part 23: blush

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Guys the story is gonna wrap up soon 😭
I'm so emotionally attached to this story

There was only one show left in the tour.

It seemed like an absolute blur, every gig made her appreciate the fanbase she had more and more.

But now it was almost over. This dream she could only imagine when she was sat editing at a computer, and now it was reality. And it was coming to a close.

"Rennie?" James poked his head around the door of her bedroom.

"I'm gonna go back to mine to stream for a bit. That ok?"

"Sure"  she said

"I was wondering..."


"Do you wanna stream with me?"

She pondered the question for a second.

"What would we do?"

"Probably react to confessions... or watch tiktok."

She hesitantly nodded her head.

"Yeah... I'll give it a try."

"You sure?"

"Let's go!"

She tried to sound more enthusiastic.

To be perfectly honest she was terrified, but obviously she had streamed before. And James was there to comfort her.



He borderline shouted

Then he started rambling on about being dead on twitch for like 4 months.

He paused.

"Ohhh chat... this is Rennita"

Her eyes skimmed chat in the same way every content creator does. With anxiety and comfort as you watch so many people narrate their opinion whist simultaneously paying you
Enough money to live off. Twitch is strange.

"Uhh... hi chat"

SootPanic: does she have a gyatt James?
FruityLilPolo: smash next question
(Banned by Mod)

It was about half way through watching TikTok's now. Ren hadn't spoken much... but the views on the stream where 6k... so surely her presence helped the views.

Maybe James could tell she was overthinking slightly, because she felt a hand slowly slip from his own chair to her leg... and then towards her inner thigh.

FruityLilPolo: bro she's red af
IsmokeHardCoke: ur gfs got a red ass face

James laughed slightly as he read the comments... but didn't read them out.

But he didn't do anything different, in fact, is anything he held her leg tighter.

This was gonna be a long half an hour.

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