Part 19: baby

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~Rennie focused~

A grin crept onto her face.
It was adorable how worked up he was,
When he gets anxious the Tori accent grows... and Rennie found it mildly endearing.

"James, it's ok."

He seemed confused, like he was expecting a huge rant about how much he had effed up.

So she repeated herself.

"James, it's ok."


"Are you tired, Renn?"


"You're just... i don't think you're speaking straight"


Now she was audibly laughing.
Gosh, she must sound like a psychopath.

So she made it Reallyyyy clear.

"Baby, im not angry at you. I get it."
"And I'm not tired, for fuck sake."


Ohhh no.

"Uhhh ignore that."
Finally she was speaking to JAMES again. Like she always had before this nightmare happened.

"Noooooo I'm NOT ignoring that"

Rennie jokingly sigh from the other end of the phone.

"I'm never living this down, am I?"



James's hand stroked her hair lovingly as she tiredly shuffled closer to him.
(Not in that way you NaSTy)

After the phone call, hey had talked for hours. It seemed the desperate tone of their verbal contact had shifted dramatically and now stood at some sort of loving couple.

And at some point James had just arrived at her house, and now they where sat in her bed.

(Anyone who remembers the cursed drawings I did that's what they looked like hhahah)

It was now 1:45 am, and they where both still awake, but in a semi-conscious state. The sort of tiredness you're in when you go completely insane, and act smacked off your tits drunk just due to sleep deprivation.

(SIDE RANT Is it just me or when it's past 11 I go absolutely insane and act drunk and stoned and on some other stuff, like all I remember from one sleepover I had was being chased to a metaphorical r*pe shed in a dark garden w someone's cousin. Ohh then I kissed the OTHER cousin. Side rant over)
((And yes Daz reference))

James was mumbling almost unintelligibly, and Rennie was half-heartedly giggling at how demented he sounded.

"James what the fuck are you saying"

"Lyrics you idiot."
He started manically yelling the lyrics of Paper Crowns.

"Shhhh Ren don't wake me up"
He said jokingly.

"You're Gonna end up sleeping here, baby."
Rennie said after the semi- conscious karaoke  session. she'd given up on forcing down the pet names at this point

"Don't call me baby you prick."

"Shhh baby."

They fell asleep.

( to be clear THEY DID NOT SHAG)

James woke up at 7:45 to Rennie stroking him face to wake him up.

Clearly she had been up for hours getting ready.

"Baby, we need to leave in an hour."
That pet name seemed to be stuck now
James wasn't complaining

"Shhhh fuck off"

Rennie laughed

"Come on James I'll drag you out if I need too."

It was safe to say James wasn't a morning person.

"Nope... absolutely not."

With that he picked her up by the waist and pulled her into the bed, rolling over To the other side and trapping her.
(Not in a creep way 😭)

They where both laughing as Rennie desperately attempted to break free from the duvet
(Yes DUVET not COMFORTER you crazy Americans)
Trap she had been woven in.

"James I swear we need to go soon, the bus is leaving in 50 minutes and you need to go get your stuff and then the flight takes off two hours after and-"

James shut her up with a kiss.
Finally what they had both wanted since they had first met.


A 10 minute make-out, a rush too get James's luggage and a coach ride later they where in the plane to go to France.

Matt and Jono where sat closer to the front,
And sent complaints to the group chat of a particularly northern family behind them.

James and Rennie where sat together, both exhausted but exited to play a gig in another country. Even though literally no one likes James in France.

The journey went smoothly, half way through Rennie fell asleep, her head laying on James's shoulder and eventually his lap.

She eventually awoke before the plane landed, with James stroking her hair and a cheese toasty shoved into her hands.

"Eat up for the gig, baby."
He whispered.

She smiled and nestled into his neck, opening the sandwich.

"Are you James Marriott?"
A blue haired teenager walked up to them when the plane had landed.

Rennie smiled, she enjoyed how cutely awkward James was with fans. He wasn't wrong when he said he disassociates when he meets fans.

It's not that he didn't like them, he was just socially nervous sometimes. It was kinda adorable to her

"Ohh Yeah, uh... do you want me to sign anything or..."

"Yes please, but I was just going to ask..."


"Are you two like... dating?"

Her name wasn't known by the fans yet, they didn't actually know anything about her.

Her name, age, voice... nothing.

"Are you too like, dating?"

It was then they both noticed how Rennie was literally sleeping on him. And from where the fan was sat, she could see the whole time how close they where.

Rennie and James looked at eachother.
There was no point in lying.

"Uh yeah."
They said together.

"Ohh cool! You look worried as fuck, it's not like I'm gonna tell anyone."

They sigh in relief. Seemed like it was a good fan.

After a selfie she left,

And the gang prepared to play the next show.


Sorry if there's mistakes I'm not checking it bc I'm literally sat next to a creepy ass pool rn

I hate Spain I wanna go back to Leeds

Anyways ly all

And they do eventually shag but that's not yet here

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