ᴄʜ. 1

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somethings to clarify bfr the chapters just because 😹😹😹 anyways makoto is lying when he says he isnt attracted to men cuz hes attracted to all genders and if u tease the lil bro long enough he will flirt back (if the person in question is close enough like he'll flirt back w sae)

attracted to all but hes abt to beat shidous ass (spoilers)

also tw for bachira saying some pretty concerning and alarming shit

nyways enjoy


𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬? 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥..❞

𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐈𝐍𝐕𝐎𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐃 in the project did makoto get! because the kind, pretty lady (from what makoto observed) named 'anri teieri' , had infact thought that it may be better for blue lock to have more observers, which would lead the JFU to think that it's probably better to invest more money into the program in question, because it has 2 of the most famous young athletes' attention now. 

..well , hirawa makoto is the only one to go out of his way to join their groupchat, or has atleast some type of interaction and communication between him, and blue lock. itoshi sae just watched.


7:34 AM— Japan

anri.teieri has added xxx-xxx-xxx, xxx-xxx-xxx, xxx-xxx-xxx , +others.


To be honest, I didnt expect Blue Lock to gain this much attention right after the conference, but it's nice to see you here, Hirawa.


Exactly what he said ^ , and just for clarification that you wont be meeting the candidates specifically now.

They have a specialized routine to follow thats mandatory !! From 7 am , they wake up and eat breakfast, then train until 12 pm, to which they have an hour lunchtime and/or break.. Then, train until 6pm; to which they have dinner time until 8pm, then a team meeting from 8 pm to 10 pm. Finally, 10pm to 12pm is their free time. Which is likely the time you'll meet them.


..you can drop the formalities, you know

10-12? huh...

its great, then im expecting to meet them at that time.

i'd say i have high hopes for this project, but a certain someone with me doesnt really care, he just wants to see who will rise out in the top.


Well, then that's settled.


Welcome to Blue Lock, Hirawa.

—10:12 pm.—


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