ᴄʜ. 5

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eeeeh hi :3

give me some suggestions to add to the story should i add a love interest to makoto or should it just be possible rin/kanade??????

if i should add a love interest to makoto lmk who , and a scenario and how it would work

important !!!

(this isnt a fucking harem story whoever makoto ends up liking is one person and all im writing is implications of him confessing but not actual writing 😭😭)

(also expressing that no one except makoto and kanade know the codename for rin which is pochacco)

its based off of bllk sanrio collab when rin got pochacco blame my creativity 



𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐎𝐓𝐎 𝐖𝐎𝐊𝐄 𝐔𝐏 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌, he wanted to stay in that dream.. but he remembered that he was supposed to physically meet his team.. and he would be lying if he said he wasnt atleast a bit curious. his daily morning routine consists of him first waking up, scrolling a bit on his phone, getting up and letting fresh air inside, going to bathroom to wash his face, eat, exercise and meditation.. medicatio— ANYWAYS.. 

it always takes a fucking long time, he really likes taking his sweet time, right?

he looks pretty bored, just placing some necessities in his bag.. the necessities include some lotion, water, wipes, tissue, gum, airpods, extra perfumes etc. (he just like me). makoto just wore a white double bracelet on his left hand, and a watch. he just walked out of his dormitory, he was expecting atleast someone to be there. 

its past 7 afterall? "..." makoto looked over at his watch ; 12:13 am.. "..righ—" "THERE HE IS!" is what an energetic and eccentric person yelled out happily, bachira ran over to makoto and hugged him tightly "FINALLY!! WE GET TO SEE YOU!" he yells out, hes too energetic for makoto.. he doesnt wanna deal with schizophrenia first thing in the noon—

"you actually pulled up??" a voice called out. its isagi, makoto actually let out a smile. ".. you're the egoist that i actually like.. well— third to rin and sae, but still top 3 nonetheless." makoto calmly stated, to which isagi only shot a sarcastic mean glare, "only?" they share a smile, dropping the glare.

"..hes here, isnt he?" another familiar voice spoke out, seems like they were done with some practice match.. its rin, codenamed 'pochacco' by makoto's sister, but makoto wont tell rin. rin seemed more relax with makoto near him instead of those energetic fucks. "..hirawa."

"you're the only one ill allow to call me by my first name here." makoto says, with a blank expression, but his words are a bit soft in meaning. he looks back at isagi and bachira, who are doing an exaggerated shocked face, rin just clicked his tongue when he saw that dumbass sight.

"lukewarm, pathetic."

even if makoto has worked and played alongside sae a bunch of times, he still doesnt know how to phrase 'lukewarm' in a sentence in a condescending manner. literally all he can muster up is 'lukewarm temperature food' or 'lukewarm water'.

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