More Then Friends

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Emeralds POV:
I shook the memory from my head. I knew i couldn't forget my past forever, it will come and bite me when I least expect it but not yet, pretty pink husky was so lovely but my trust issues were telling me she'd go around and tell everyone, I was probably wrong though, she'd noticed that my breathing had returned to normal and she removed herself from my back, her warmth left me feeling colder then earlier, I could tell she wanted to investigate further but she wasn't going to push me to tell her the problem. She'd either already guessed or she was coming up with theories, she loves theories. "Sorry about that, the palace brings up bad memories." No explanation needed, that was good enough for her now. "They are really snobby aren't they in the palace? All 'oh look at me on my big mighty throne, look at us bossing everyone about to do our bidding' whilst we're stuck here struggling to keep money going." I snort, that was a good impression, Pumpkin wasn't like that though, the council definitely were and her father, I knew him just before he fled, the whole kingdom knew how nasty he was. "That's semi accurate, the council is definitely like that." Sofi nodded eagerly. "Oh don't worry I love the Queen, all hail her highness!" She bowed dramatically, thrusting her tail into the air and pressing her face into the floor. I laugh. "I didn't realise that's how we bow." Pretty pink husky, Sofi, turned her attention to me, cocking her head and staring at me with her emerald eyes, clearly insisting I correct her. "Alright, alright but my wing gets in the way, don't laugh." I present a bow, more correct then Sofi's but also clumsy. Sofi giggles and copies me, we carry on trying to work out how to bow for no other reason then to have fun. I've never had fun before, my whole childhood was constantly 'be perfect, preform seriously, train 24/7', I was taught to make my way up no matter what. Sofi clearly had a different upbringing though, something told me her childhood was full of sadness, the happy ones always had the worst upbringings. We would discover more about eachother, I could tell. She wags her tail as she realises I've zoned out again, lost in a different world, both our ears prick up at the same time, hoof steps, this has to be Midnight. The clunks are louder and echoed more, his horseshoes being a lot more worn down. We both stared as his face popped up from the ladders, he was glaring at us, no just me. "Hi Midnight!" Sofi chirped, waving vigorously at him. "Why didn't y'all tell us earlier, it's mid day and we've just had to turn the whole town down for no reason! Get a grip Emerald." Yikes, harsh, I get that no one gets my ways but that was way too much. "Who bit your knickers?" Sofi asked, half assertive, she was trying to keep the energy positive but Midnight was angry. "You want to fit in here yet you cancel your own party, do you know how often people get a party about themselves when it's not their birthday, never! I find out your hiding away in this dusty old place and you're completely fine, physically and emotionally!"
"Physically yes just about, emotionally no, Sofi made me laugh and now I'm feeling better, how did you not notice anything wrong earlier, cmon let's just calm down and I can make all this make sense to you." He shook his head over and over again. "Nothing makes sense, I'd be so excited to have a party celebrating me, you just seemed tired earlier, don't give me all this mental health bullshit." I stand up suddenly, rising myself to full body height, expanding my wing fully and snort smoke into his face, I bare my teeth, growling. "Mental health bullshit? You're in your twenties not your sixties, it's very real and very draining, I suggest you leave rather then taking out your jealousy about your brother getting into the royal guards and anger about not hosting YOUR perfect party which I HATE by the way." He stomps his hooves and whinnies. "My brother won't last a day there, your telling me you'd rather have a pink party for children?" Sofi's whole mouth falls open and her ears drop, I see her sniffling. Nuh uh. "I didn't like either of your party ideas! I would've much rather attended Sofi's though, atleast she has a heart, Chestnut will be one of the best guards there." Do you know what? I notice Sofi is on the verge of crying but she's trying to hide it, he's not worth my breath, he can keep arguing with a brick wall for all I care. I trot up to pretty pink husky and grab her by the neck and quickly run us out the back, good to know my speed is still there. She smiles at me. "How about we go to mine?" She asks. My face goes really red really quickly, she starts blushing too. "No! Like to bake!" She lives in her bakery? But it was destroyed! "I've fixed it up myself."
"When did you even have time to do that?" She shrugs, expecting me to know. I feel a drop fall on my nose and sneeze. Sofi looks up. "No way! It's raining. It's not rained here for months." Her fur would get really heavy really quickly whereas the rain just bounced off me, I quickly extend my wing and hover it above her. "Cool! An umbrella! Let's go!" We start heading towards her bakery, taking the back routes to avoid every creature.We grin at eachother as we start speeding up to get there before the rain gets heavier.

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