~Chapter 10~☆Compromise☆

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"Father?" Damien said in a slightly quiet tone.

His father hummed in response.

"Can I ask you something? It's more like a second opinion.."

That was like music to Satan's ears. Since Damien never asked for anything, he could atleast do this.

"Okay, go on. I'm listening."

"So, there's this boy... he's so nice and kind, and I was chatting it up with him. Then I kinda messed up, and for the longest he wouldn't speak to me. Now, I think I'm his friend again.. it's really complicated. But I think I like him way more than friends." Damien rambled on.

Satan just listened. He liked hearing about his sons weird teenage boy problems. It was really easy to solve.

"So, he started talking to you agian?" His father questioned.

"Yeah, and it was like he wasn't even mad at me! It was so confusing and-"

"He probably was mad, so he didn't  speak to you. He obviously wants to be apart of your life, because he probably likes you back. He might, he might not. But he still wants to be there."

Damien thought for a moment, he thanked his father and exited the room.

So, Pip only came back because he wanted to be there.


Soon enough, he was racing over to Pip's house. When he got there, he knocked on the door urgently. A woman opened the door, "Hi? Do you need anything?"

"Uh, yeah. Is Pip here?"

"Uh, nope, he's at work.."

"Thank you, you're a lifesaver." Damien said before running towards his local Subway.

He ran almost 8 blocks, and when he got there, the store was almost empty besides a group of boys.

He recognized maybe 2? It was Cartman and Kyle and he only knew them because he instigated a fight between them.

He ignored them and ran to the register almost completely out of breath.

"Hi, welcome to Subway. How can I help you-" Pip began before stopping to stare at the other.

It was almost like time stopped. Nobody else mattered.

"Hey Damien, do you want anything?"

"I think I like you.." Damien mumbled.

"What? I can't hear you, I need you to speak up."

"I think I like you. Like really like you. It feels like I would do anything just to see you happy." Damien said a bit louder, blushing furiously.

Pip just stared. He stared for what seemed forever to Damien.

"Okay." Pip finally said.

"Okay." Damien responded.

They stared again.

"I think I like you too." Pip said.

"Cool." Damien said.

"So.. Can you leave if you're not gonna get anything?"

"Huh? Oh, uh okay."

Damien gave a small wave and left the building.

That was that.


☆Indifference☆ A Damien x Pip fic ~ covers not mine ~Where stories live. Discover now