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Meet James Huffleworth, son of a poor baker, Shaun Huffleworth & seamstress, Ally Huffleworth

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Meet James Huffleworth, son of a poor baker, Shaun Huffleworth & seamstress, Ally Huffleworth. James is 13 years old and currently working for his father at the Bakery but also has additional jobs. James works the same hours as an adult male, as the laws to stop that don't exist. He earns around 6 and 3/4 shillings a week. 

His (younger) sister, Emmy (Emily ) Huffleworth is ill with no affordable treatment so all money goes towards finding a possible doctor, and baby Darwin has been born earlier in the year and is also suffering health issues.

Miraculously, James has avoided any illness, although locals are concerned about the teen's seemingly fraternal friendship with 14-year-old Anthony Havers, the shipbuilder's son.

Both boys have denied any approaches, thankfully, as any kind of relationship which extends more than too much between two of the same gender is firmly frowned upon and could lead to being arrested under homosexual suspicion or worse, killed.

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