|Julian| appearance

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14-year-old Julian Fawcett waits in his chair as Fawcett senior(out of frame) explains the new political system to his son

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14-year-old Julian Fawcett waits in his chair as Fawcett senior(out of frame) explains the new political system to his son. 

Julian has always been well-liked and admired by his peers, maybe because of his charming and likeable nature (info via current girlfriend(?)) or maybe because of his status. Julian's father, Julius Fawcett Senior, is a popular and longstanding MP, and Julian hopes to possibly follow his father in career choices, which is supported by his family fully.

Fawcett Junior was a sickly child, his father not being an MP yet (only a humble worker), and not being able to afford good enough/ the right treatment.

Julian was nice enough to share his mindset with us today, and we are grateful enough to share it with you too:

"I am proud of my father, sure, sure, but like- y'know, uh. Erm, I think I'd maybe-possible-I dunno, become an MP too??"

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