|Mary| appearance

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Mary Guppy, daughter of Alleczander Guppy and Ammiliana Fraller (suspected witch), is a quiet young girl, often preferring to stay hidden in her father's workshop rather than play with the other children

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Mary Guppy, daughter of Alleczander Guppy and Ammiliana Fraller (suspected witch), is a quiet young girl, often preferring to stay hidden in her father's workshop rather than play with the other children. The five-year-old is known to enjoy the company of herself but had been reported caught singing and talking to herself which is (according to the villagers) the common behaviour of a witch. Her mother, Ammiliana, has been scheduled a witch trial later this afternoon, which, of course, young Mary will be forced to attend, the villagers hoping it would perhaps scare the inner witch out of her before it becomes too late.

Whilst her father (Alleczander Guppy) is a humble blacksmith, his reputation has been steadily growing over his time in the profession. When wee Mary was asked herself for her opinion on her father, she sweetly replied: 'Pa good at what 'e does. He helps me if I is to burns my fingies *fingers* on fire, he cools them. Pa deserves all'

Mary is the third youngest of eleven children, the eldest being Rikard, then Collin, then Penelope, then Disha, then Wiccalo, Mikeal, Heidi, (Mary), Aprile -the 'e' is silent-, and finally Marcus & Maggie (twins).

'Riki (Rikard) is my bestest brothe', for he shows me how to nots' scare the young rabbits, but babe Marcus and Maggie be nicer' too' -Mary

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