|Humphrey| appearance

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(a/n imagine the eyes r blue plz 😅😅thx!!)

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(a/n imagine the eyes r blue plz 😅😅thx!!)

Eight-year-old Humphrey Bone, son of nobleman Lord Nicholas Bone, of Bone Hall. Mother is unknown. Humphrey is the younger brother to well-known jockey William Bone (of Bone Fort), and second cousin to Lady Alice Beckham of Beckham House. Humphrey is yet to have done anything significant in his family's name which greatly disappoints his father since his brothers and cousins had surpassed records by the age of three.

"It's his (unknown/undocumented) mother's genes," Explains Lord Bone, as we watch young Humphrey play out in the gardens. "My other boy, William, could tame the wildest horse by a mere glance at two but Humphrey...Well, he's a bit of a disappointment, unfortunately. Nothing a bit of good Tudor parenting can't fix."

By 'Good Tudor parenting' we were informed his lordship was referring to 'Beat them till they cry, then beat them again'

Better leave the professionals to it, I suppose.

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