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"Fuck, Tom, I'm gonna c-"

I thrust one final time, letting out satisfied groans as I convulsed into the condom. My body fell limp and breathless onto the blonde girl beneath me who was heaving below me. Her legs shook gently around my body as she came down from her high, a small smirk on her lips whilst I rolled off of her and onto the bed beside her. I pulled the condom off, discarding it in the bin beside the bed.

Angel stirred beside me, rolling her naked body off the bed and started collecting her clothes from the hotel floor, pulling on her pants and a tank top that had been strewn across the floor in a hurry just hours before. I watched as she ran her fingers through her dishevelled hair and grabbed her shoes and phone in her hands, turning to face me.

"I have to go. Will I see you soon?" her soft voice spoke, only just loud enough for me to hear. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, instead shrugging my shoulders and grabbing my phone from the bedside table. I heard her sigh, mutter something along the lines of 'fucking cunt' and the door slam behind her.

She was the third this month that had asked me the same question and the truth is I don't have an answer. Maybe I will see them soon, but most likely just for the same one-night stand as the night we met. I didn't plan to take them on a date or anything, nor did I care for the small talk of a relationship. It has been 2 years since my last relationship and I didn't plan to cut my streak short anytime soon. It has been bliss - the freedom, the independence, the sex and drugs. I lived my life without a care in the world and I couldn't be happier. 

I ended up scrolling on Instagram for some time before I shut my phone and threw it onto the floor beside me, hauling my body off the bed and into the shower in the attached bathroom. The hot water steamed up the mirror that faced the shower, masking the sight of my body in the reflection, enough that I could clean without a worry about how I looked. The hot water washed over my skin, scorching it red enough that whatever water remained on me evaporated as I exited the shower. I wrapped one of the soft hotel towels around my waist and waltzed into the bedroom again, catching a glimpse of the sun rising on the horizon.

The hotel looked over most of Los Angeles, truly a sight to see whilst I railed someone from behind. It worked to distract me enough that the sex was nothing but a body to fill and I wouldn't get attached to whoever I had dragged in that night. Pump and dump is what Noah called it, but I preferred the more respectful term of a one-night stand.

I had to make the most of the time I had off from work. I was off to London in just a few short days, and whilst that didn't stop me from hitting the town and bringing home whatever bird took a liking to me, it did mean that those nights were less frequent and my sexual urges were stronger. London girls also weren't particularly my type but I wouldn't say it to their faces.

I kicked my clothes into a pile beside the suitcase and dropped the towel beside it, crawling into bed and letting my body be swallowed by the mattress beneath me. As the sun rose through the window, I entered a deep slumber that had me thinking only of what London would bring, and not professionally.




"Excuse me, sir." My head shot up to the brown eyes staring back at me. A metre of empty space was between me and the check-in desk, the brunette behind the counter wearing a scowl as I closed the gap.

"I'm sorry," I muttered, thrusting my passport onto the desk. She did not react, instead just grabbing in and scanning it into the machine. She handed it back to me, telling me to put my suitcase on the conveyor belt and wrapping the tag around the handle. I took my boarding pass from her hands and made my way to the First Class lounge, finding the first couch I could find and throwing my body across it.

Noah had convinced me to go to Hyde Sunset which, in a very typical turn of events, ended with me consuming enough coke to share with half of the club and bringing a wannabe-influencer back to my hotel. She had, like the rest of them, given me a disgusted look when I didn't promise to see her that weekend and slammed the door behind her.

I didn't have it in me to care. Truthfully, the last thing I wanted was for any of them to get the impression I was ready to settle down. I was enjoying each day as it was delivered to me and embracing each second of it. 

Noah and I were like a team when we went out together. His girlfriend, Naomi, travelled a lot for work meaning he spent most weekends finding me a new bird to bring home. He would chat them up at the bar, then send them my way. Don't get me wrong, I was more than capable of picking up my own women and seducing them into my bed myself, but there was something about watching Noah tell them about his friend across the room, then looking over and making drunken eye contact that always seemed more sexual than intended, before strutting their way over and asking for a dance. 

I always noticed the girls making a big deal over who they were dancing with. They would look around the room, look for their friends, and dance obnoxiously so as many eyes as possible were on us. People already looked in my direction, but even more so when I had a girl grinding on my dick. I didn't care though. I was always so fucked on whatever I had taken that night that all I cared about was how my dick felt at the end of it.

By the time I made it onto the plane, I was barely holding it together. My eyes were falling shut and I had bumped into about four people on the walk from the lounge to the plane. One of them I had knocked with my backpack and I was certain she was about to pull it off of me and swing it into my head. Might have helped me out, to be honest.

I found my seat and placed my bag underneath it, only leaving out my headphones and water bottle. I prepared to sleep for as much of the flight as I could possibly muster and pray that when I landed in London, someone would have a bag for me.

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