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Being an actor means you often have little to no control over what gets said about you online, but I am sure you already gathered that considering how my last relationship ended. So you can imagine what the press had to say about a few stray pictures of a heated conversation between myself and my ex-girlfriend last week at dinner.



I am surprised someone was able to pinpoint who I was talking to behind the stained glass that broke up the restaurant and the hallway to the toilets, or that they remembered what she looked like from when we broke up two years ago. But alas, the internet never forgets and they made that abundantly clear with these articles.

Most of them went on to outline how we broke up, and how I so-called 'cheated' on her, but they know no better, much like Kira. I couldn't help but wonder how she was feeling about these articles, or whether Alex told her to not worry and now they were having passionate sex and telling each other that they love them.

My phone was snatched from my hands, breaking up the 20-minute stare I had on it. Alana, on the other side of the kitchen counter, took one look at it, locked the screen and slid it to the other end of the bench, stopping right before it took a tumble off the edge.

"Stop stressing."

I rolled my eyes. "Easier said than done." Followed by an eye roll from her.

"You know that it wasn't anything so why do you care what they say?"

"I care that she is in the press again," met with another eye roll. It's not that Alana doesn't like Kira, but no girl is particularly fond of their boyfriend's ex-girlfriend, even when The Sun is chatting about her like she is some famous celebrity. Frankly, I shouldn't care, but I never really stopped caring about Kira. How could I?

"I am sure she is fine," she turns and starts putting away the dishes on the counter. "Anyway, Alex will take care of it," she says with a shrug of her shoulders.

Fucking Alex. Of course he will take care of it. Not only has he got Kira around his finger, but he also has a press team out of this world so I have no doubt that him and his whole crew have a plan to keep Kira safe. Me? Dealing with the fact everyone thinks I cussed out my ex at a restaurant. It went both ways.

"Yeah," I huffed, slipping off the bar stool and finding her body on the other side of the countertop, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her close to me. My chin found her shoulder and we swayed to silence in the kitchen, absorbing each other entirely and being a reminder to me that Kira has moved on and it is now my time to do the same.


Daisy is an entertainer, and not in the sense that she performs, or even in regard to her acting. What she loves is inviting everyone to her house in South London, decking out the table in exquisite table decorations, serving a three-course meal, and making everyone drink enough wine that they have to sleep in her perfect cottage bedrooms and wake to a full-table breakfast spread before sending you on your way. That's where I ended up on my Saturday night, Alana's hand around my bicep and straightening out her white top.

"Will she be here?" She says, gazing up to my eyes and worry filled them. I wanted to roll my eyes, for no reason besides the fact that I was excited (I think?) to see Kira and it shouldn't bother Alana in the slightest. Maybe I am sending mixed messages, I don't know, but it isn't a big deal. Instead, I shrug my shoulders, turning back to the front of the house and raising a hand to knock on the front door.

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