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No one hates London more than someone from the UK, myself included.

For one, it's cold as fuck and no, you don't get used to it. Second, it is busy and no one has any decency or manners to respect the person behind, in front or beside them. This same logic applied to the queue I was standing in, waiting to get into London's most exclusive club.

Surrounded by a bunch of my hometown friends, I had promised them entry into this nightclub as I could get us on the list. After calling my manager and her going on to make a few extra calls, we managed to get on the guest list for the event that night. However, when we arrived, the security guard wasn't entirely convinced and had to go and call his boss. In the time he was gone, I had one girl's stiletto practically pierce through my shoe, and another guy threatened to put his fist into my head if I looked at 'his girl' one more time. I am not sure which slut in the queue belonged to him, to be fair.

"Alright, you are good," the security guard said as he made his way back to us and I flashed him a charming smile and a 'thank you' as we made our way through the doors.

The music was pumping through the speakers, making the room feel like it was shaking and falling simultaneously. Harry, one of my mates from back home, tapped me on the shoulder before gesturing to the bar and guiding me over.

"Two vodka Redbulls please," he yelled to the short blonde behind the bar. She was dressed in a black corset that made her tits look extra appealing. Her blonde hair was straightened and lay over her shoulder, brushing her hips as she poured the drinks out. Her lips were pursed and voluminous and I could picture exacting what it would be like to kiss her.

As she placed the two drinks on the counter in front of us, she flashed a wink my way before shaking her head, indicating that we didn't need to pay. Harry grinned at me and back at the girl before yelling 'thank you' and walking off to the crowd, leaving me and the girl staring at each other. I leant my body over the bar, my face close to hers and my lips brushing her ear. I felt her skin go warm at how close I was to her and it made the blood rush to my dick at the thought of how I made her feel, just simply brushing against her.

"How about instead of paying I give you my number?" I spoke directly into her ear in a soft whisper and I felt her cheeks go warmer than before, only to feel her nod and her skin brush against my face. She pulled away, turning to grab her phone from the back of the bar and hand it to me. I typed my number in before handing it back to her, winking at her and turning to go towards the crowd.

I found Harry and a few of the other boys dancing, a few hip-to-hip with some girls that I questioned how they got in. I mean, the only reason my friends had a ticket in was because of me, so I had no doubt they just had a friend that got them past the door.

We spent the night alternating between dancing, exchanging bumps of coke in the bathroom and drinking runs up at the bar. Each time I went up, the blonde girl from before caught my eyes and blushed under my gaze, never making me pay for a drink but only affirming that I would be taking her home with me that night. As my moves got sloppier and my drinks started to spill more, it was almost impossible for me to see the blonde girl that had slipped in front of me, no longer in an apron and smelling of booze, but rather a small black mini dress and smelling of caramel.

My hands quickly found her hips as we danced together, my lips making contact with her neck and her throwing her head back into my shoulder. Her ass, almost as voluminous as her lips, ground against my hardening cock and I couldn't resist the soft moans that I made in her ear. She turned, now facing me and pressing her body flush against mine, her lips finding mine and everything I had imagined about kissing her was utterly true.

It wasn't long until we had piled into a taxi, her using my lap as a seat rather than the warm leather beside me. I had since learned that her name was Alana and she had the most sickly sweet English accent I had ever heard. There were very few moments when I fell obsessed with a British girl, and this might be one of those few times.

I paid the driver as he dropped us outside of the hotel building, leaving us to race up the lift and hold back from banging in the elevator out of pure desperation and lust. I was not just high and drunk, but massively horny, and wasted no time picking her up and dropping her onto the bed so I could bury my face between her thighs.

Her black dress was hiked above her hips, no panties on, just her dripping pussy against my mouth. Her moans echoed through the hotel room and ignited enjoyment that I hadn't felt in a while.


The London sun bellowed through the crack in the blinds, striking me right in the eye and waking me at, what I could only assume, was way earlier than I wished. I screwed my eyes shut tighter, groaning and rolling over in the bed so as to not face the sunlight anymore. I felt the bed move beside me and flashbacks of the night's events echoed through my mind, a smirk pulling across my face.

Her blonde hair was strewn across the pillow in perfect waves. The skin on her neck, dotted with a few small purple marks that would be invisible to the eye once her hair falls down her body. Her back and shoulder was bare, leading me to believe everything below the covers was as well. Usually, I would be quick to wake these girls up and make up some excuse why they need to leave the moment the sun rose, but I felt different this time around. Part of me wanted to kiss her skin and pin her to the bed one more time. It was a bad idea, but I was full of them.

I propped my body up on one elbow, leaning over to where she laid and placed a soft kiss to her shoulder blade, then her neck, then just below her ear. She stirred once more, her eyes floating open and rolling onto her back so she was underneath my body and looking up at me with a soft, innocent smile.

"Morning," she whispered and I felt the need to plant a kiss on her lips. I did so, moving slowly whilst her soft, warm hands found the back of my neck until she pulled away. "I'm hungry."

I knew this was bad territory, but it felt good for once. It ignited a feeling in me I hadn't felt in some time, feeling fulfilment and enjoyment being around a woman. It had been two years since I had felt like this, felt like someone's space and energy did good for me. It was foreign and daunting, and something about the way her pale green eyes looked up at me felt more electric than ever before.

We got dressed, sharing kisses and giggles in between before we found ourselves at the hotel breakfast bar. I couldn't help but laugh at the stares we got from the other guests as I walked in at 7 in the morning with a girl in a black mini dress that didn't leave much to the imagination. It was likely a sight to see. There was not a cloud in the sky through the window that we sat in front of as I watched her finish her third bowl of fruit and second coffee.

"So," she cleared her throat, "tell me about you."

Bad idea, Tom, bad idea. This is how you get in too deep. This is how your heart gets broken again. This is how you end up alone.

"Not much to say, if I'm honest," I shrugged my shoulders, placing another forkful of food into my mouth. I expected an eye roll, maybe a snarky comment about 'trying to hard to be mysterious' (had that one a few times). Instead, she just nodded and went back to eating her fruit. A comfortable silence fell over us as we ate, taking turns looking at each other and out to the window.

We finished, stacking our plates and bowls and headed back to the room. I sat on the bed as she collected up her belongings from the side table and floor, shoving it into her bag. My gaze never left her, not even when she made her way to me and stood between my legs, prompting me to place my hands on the top of her thighs and rub gently up and down.

"How long are you here for?" She said in a soft voice, her hand coming to the side of my faze, caressing my jaw with her soft fingertips.

"A while. Why?"

She hummed. "No reason," and with that she walked herself out of the hotel, letting the door shut softly behind her.

Something was different about her.

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