Chapter 3

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My mouth rose up for a smile while thinking what happened earlier. Am I just delusional? But I really feel like he was jealous. My face heated, I held my cheeks using my two hands while giggling. Shit! I'm crazy. I seated properly and change my expression suddenly when I saw that someone entered the clinic.

My mouth gaped, seeing Michael approaching near my direction. My heart beating loudly as he come near me. Oh my gosh! Is he visiting me here? I bit my lips while smiling widely but it faded when he passed at me leaving me astound. I follow him with my gaze. I could see him because the curtains on the bed where I am seating is opened.

He go directly to the nurse's table. My eyes grew bigger while surveying him. What he was doing here? He doesn't have any injuries. He's wearing a black sweater, black dad's jeans, and black plain toe shoes. Is he attending a vigil? What's with the black outfits?

I saw his mouth moved while speaking to the nurse. I can't hear their conversation cause they are a little far from me. I'm just observing his facial expression. He shrugged to the nurse and his lips pursued that made me blink. Did he just smile? Gosh he's so handsome! Why he's always serious when he's so fucking gorgeous when smiling?! I want to see him that always! 

I jumped off from the bed when I saw him stood up from the seat. He was walking directly didn't even took a glance at me, even I'm just on the other side where he was walking. He's really a snob! And that's what I like him. I intended to hit him on his shoulder so I could caught his attention.

"Ouch!" I embraced myself for the pain but he held my waist stopping me from falling on the ground.

My eyes lit up, our faces were so fucking near because of what he did! We almost kissed! That was fucking lost! It's a pity his lips haven't touched mine yet. I could hardly breathe while studying his face near to mine.  His brown eyes were looking at me intently. I could hear his rash heartbeats from his heart. I swallowed the lump on my throat. We heard someone cleared her throat that made Michael push me from his body.

"Aww!" I curled up in pain.

Fuck! I fell on the ground. It's so embarrassing!

"Why are you still standing, Michael? Help her get up!" The nurse exclaimed.

My butt hurt like a fucking hell! My eyes closed while holding my butt. Fuck! This is what I get for flirting with him! I tried to get up by myself but I howled in pain when I lift up my foot. Gosh! My butt is already hurting and my foot as well?! This is double kill! Tsk!

I looked up at Michael who still standin there doesn't have any plans to help me. I glare at him. This guy is not even gentleman! Why do I like him?! I frowned, I held at the bed for the support as I tried to stood up. But to my surprise, Michael grab my waist and carried me.

My eyes grew bigger as I held at his shoulders while he was carrying me. My heart were beating abnormally. I could imagine my face were already crimson. My breath hitched, his scent lingered on my nose. What the hell?! Is this even happening?! I'm not just imagining things?! Did my crush just carry me?!

"I'm sorry..." His husky voice soothed to my ear like it was lullaby.

I blink, trying to process what had just happened. He already left me there but my mind still can't processed what he just did. He carried me! Fvck! It's that very big deal to me?! Of course it is! It's him I was talking about! My crush!

I laid down on my bed giggling. I rolled my body on the bed as my cheek starting to blush. After my injuries got treated I got home directly. I didn't attend to my class because my coach told me I don't need to. I'm exempted cause I am player. I buried my face in the thick foam, smiling.

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