Chapter 33

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"Does the materials are all set, Mandua?" I asked my secretary as I leered at contracts on the table.

"Yes ma'am!" She answered while preparing for the snack at the office table.

I was trying to double check it since today we were going to sign it. I looked at my watch, it's been a quarter past eight but the investors were not here, yet. My forehead creased, what keeping them so long?

"Can you check outside if the investors were outside, Mandua?" I uttered as I closed the white folder on the table and interwined my two hands.

"Sure, Ma'am!" She exclaimed actively.

I was getting impatient waiting here. Mandua quickly stop what she was doing. However, Mandua didn't even reached yet at the glass door when I heard a sound opening it causing me to lifted my head.

My lips pulled aparts wasn't expecting seeing a person in front of me. My jaw drooped, eyes wide open but I pressed my lips as I realize I was staring at him for a long time. I looked away. Gez. I wasn't told by my mom that he's one of the new investors of our company.

"U-Uhmm, Ma'am they're already here." My secretary mumbled as she tried to surveyed the man's faces.

I tilted my head when I saw her blushed while studying them before she leave the place.

Another man came in following him that made me stood up from the chair to greeted them. I didn't took a glance at him again. I tried to stop to laid my eyes at his direction. The door open again it showed a man wearing a grey suit. In my assumption he looked like in his late 20s.

"You must be the daughter of the ceo, right? I'm Suzuki Kaitou." I accept his hand that he lifted.

He was having a mischievous smile as he watched our hands touched. My forehead furrowed but I still release a half-smile.

"A pleasant to meet you, Mr. Suzuki. I am Trianah Hope Antonio, a marketing manager of Nakamori's Tech. " I introduced shortly and shifted my eyes to another man beside him.

In contrast to Kaitou, this man was wearing a black tuxedo. And are like force to be here. He doesn't looked entertaining at all. His face were blank like boredom is killing him but his lips rose up when he saw me staring.

"I'm Hatamoto Yuzo. Nice meeting you, beautiful lady." My eyes broadened in shock when he suddenly grab my hand and kiss the back of it.

"Oh, the sole heir of Hatamoto's Inc. right?" I uttered.

My face contorted when he winked at me. My vision went to a man I never met for so long. Just like the other two he was also in formal attire. He was wearing a black suit that flexed his tight arms. My face heated as I realized what I've thinking. That's so pervert of you, Trianah!

"Engr. Michael Jared Valdez." He muttered in a hoarse deep voice.

I nodded at him and immediately shifted my eyes from him. So, he's now an engineer? Good for him. I went back to my chair and waited for them to sit also before I spoke.

"So, now that we already know each other. We move on to our business, here? Shall we?" I asked while looking at them.

They immediately nodded at me that made me to continue speaking.

"The contracts were just above the table. You three might check it if it's fair to the both parties." I added as I pointed the white folder that Mandua prepared earlier.

They shifted their eyes altogether to the contracts I was pointing. They all open the folder and starting reading it. They take a few seconds scanning the whole contract.

Breaking The Walls (Business Series 2)✔️Where stories live. Discover now