Chapter 25

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Asked Me Out.

"Is it hard? Should I help you?" Michael tried to peek at my notebook but I quickly close it and move it away from him.

My forehead creased as I glanced at him. His upper lip lifted up and a half-smile appear in his mouth while looking at me. I raised my brow and crossed my arms.

"You should mind your own business. Don't you see I'm studying here?" My brows remain shot.

However, instead of behaving he grinned more like he find the situation funny and amusing. He should be scared because I'm having a bitchy attitude but he didn't even flinched. Maybe he's already used to my mood swings.

Just earlier we were having fun but my mood immediately change. Turn into bitch and rude. My eyes widened when he suddenly cupped my cheeks that made my face crimson red. I felt my breath hitched as he pursued his lips while gawking at me directly.

"Ang sungit sungit naman ng girlfriend ko na 'yan. I'm just telling if I can help you because you look like having a hard time."

I gulped, the beating of my heart became more rigid and loud like it was going to explode inside my chest. Oh my gosh! Am I having an heart attack? Should I visit hospital to check my heart if its normal thing?

"W-What are you doing to me, M-Michael?" I asked while my hands were on my racing chest.

I saw his forehead puckered like he couldn't understand what I mean. His eyes darted and looked at me weirdly. His vision turned to my chest and then he grinned like an insane after realizing what I am trying to implying. Idiot!

"I should be the one who asking you that, Tria. Anong ginagawa mo sa akin? Bakit nagkakaganito ako?"

My eyes glinted when he hold my hand and put it on his chest. A loud and harsh heartbeats welcomed my palm as it touched to his hard chest. My mouth parted, oh I'm not the only one feeling that? I glance at him in shock. But he's also stared at me causing our eyes to locked with each other.

"Feel that, Tria? I'm damn in love to you. Hulog na hulog ako sayo, Trianah Hope Antonio." He whispered and slide his hand on my nape.

"W-What are you doing?!"

A wicked smile escaped from his mouth.

"What do you think?" He asked.

"We are inside the library, Michael!" I hissed when I went back to my senses.

"Huh? Ano ngayon kung nasa loob tayo ng library? Eh wala naman akong ginagawang masama, ah?" He mumbled in a playful grin.

He slowly take off his hand from me and move his body to his seat like nothing happened. Like he didn't make my heart into fvcking chaos. This idiot! My jaw drooped and lifted him an eyebrow.

"J-Just...What the hell?!" I hissed in frustration. 

Did he just tease me?! He grinned at me more when he saw my facial expression. He is enjoying this, huh?

"Shhh.. Lower your voice. This is a study area not a kind of flirting or hang out place." My mouth twisted after hearing the old lady said.

I groaned silently and gave him a deadliest death glares. My face crumpled when he just shrugged his head to me and release a teasing smile that made my cheeks turned into red like a tomatoes. Ugh! This man!

"You pay for this! You mad man." I murmured while glaring at him.

I scratch my head as I looked at my paper. Shit! This is fvcking hard! I couldn't understand everything. I grunted and glance at Michael who were busy studying his notes. We are still at the library studying because finals is coming next week. His forehead furrowed while intently looking at his notebook. A small smile plastered on my lips as I watched him. Can I consider this as a date?

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