Chapter 37

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I was busy checking a pile of documents in my table when I heard the glass door of my office opened. I was welcomed by Mandua with her face full of adoration while holding a bouquet. Her smile were playful and wide as she looked at me. I couldn't help but to furrowed my brows, surveying her.

What's with her? Why is she smiling so widely at me like there's something she knows that I don't? Confusement eated me more when she walk toward my table wearing her victorious grinned.

"A handsome man send you this ma'am. And he said he'll fetch you after your work..." She blurted without taking off the teasing smile on her mouth.

She put the flowers on the table causing my gaze went to it. It's a tulips that were wrapped by a purple ribbon. My lower lip turned up when I saw a letter inside the bouquet.

My gorgeous woman deserve a gorgeous flowers also.


"Oh, I forgot the he also send you a food. Here it is. I never thought that man is your man, ma'am! You have a nice taste!" She beamed happily before she gave me a paper bag.

I received the paper bag she handed me and smile a little before I mouthed my thanks to her. She immediately leave after giving me the things that she was told to.

I lean to my swivel chair while looking at the tupperwares in front of me. I shook my head as I heard my stomach growl. Oh, I forgot to have breakfast earlier because of hurry. An half-smile escaped from my lips as I completely open it. I should eat, its almost twelve o'clock.

I frowned as I saw my new project. I'd just finish a project then here it is again. There's no ending in work, I see. It was new innovation cellphone that estimatedly will produce next month. I was the one who is responsible for the production and for the marketing on how to sell it to the market. Compared to the recent phone we just produced it was more advance and an updated version. More way better and accessible than the others.

I read the compile information of the new innovation and study it well. I can't stop myself to be amaze on how it was creative. I take my time analyzing the data since I was task to the production and marketing so I needed atleast to know how it made and how it works.

I averted my eyes to the door when I heard someone knock from outside. It was open tho. Mom open the door slowly until she met my gaze. I put down the documents I was reading. She stepped into the room with a gracious smile sealed into her lips.

I move out from our house last last year so, she's the only one in the house. Since I was having a trouble in commuting because my work is far from our place. We we're always visiting her tho. We visit her almost thrice a month. And we still see each other in work due to the fact she's the ceo of the company where I am working.

Actually, I offer her to live with us before I decided to move out but she declined because our house is important to her and it's the only memory with dad that she wants to cherished. She said that she felt him in that house even he's already gone. But in my case, I can't move on that fast. I can't accept the truth that he's been gone for a long years.

Mom walked towards the sofa and sitted. My eyes went to her hand that holding a pack of plastics. She put it above the glass table and turned to me.

"Oh, you busy? How's work, darling?" She smiled.

I smiled.

"I have another project, Mom. But I'm quite exhausted." I sighed.

I raised my brow when I saw her clothes. She was wearing a nude lace dress with a long slit on the right side of her thigh. A line appear between my brows as I saw her expose breasts. Her pale skin like a paper stood up because of the color of the dress she was wearing. Her skin became defined that makes her to brightened despite the crowd if there is.

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