Chapter 23

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How could he give up so easily? How could he broke up with me that easily? Like it was the only reason he had. He would just dumped like trash whenever he wants. Does he really love me? But how could he dumped me that easily when everything gotten hard? If he really do? My mind were clouded with questions and doubts. I began to doubt him. I began to doubt his love for me...I'm not sure anymore...if he really love me...

The deafening silence of the cold night seems to lighten my mood at least. It's so tempting to not to open the glass door of the veranda. My foot made its own step to come towards outside where the veranda is. Like it has own mind that could decide. The sky were dark but today were extra darker compared yesterday and from the other night.

"It looks like it's going to rain." I mumbled.

I step forward and seated to a monoblock beside me. I sighed heavily. I won't lie it's so painful to see him trying to dumped me. It's not only a emotional pain he inflicted to me but I'm also starting to question my worth because of what he did. I'm well aware that I a no good person but how I can do? It's the really me. The insecurities that had been asleep for so long started to awaken.

The insecurities that I conceal within me starting to built again. And it scares me that it would destroy me completely. That it would destroy my confidence, guts, and courage that I hardly made just to become who am I today. It's scaring me that the strong figure I was once will totally vanish and turn into a insecure and useless person.

Three days has been passed since that day happened. After passing out, I'd found myself already in the house. The doctor said I didn't eaten and I have not enough sleep during that day causing my body collapse due to much exhausting and lack of nutrients left from my body. The reason my body to gave up.

However, when I went back to my consciousness—my eyes didn't found Michael even his shadow didn't show up. One of the maid said that he left after the doctor check on me. He didn't even waited me to wake up before he'd leave. He didn't wait for me... My eyes watered, but we didn't yet broken up, right?

It's been three days also that I didn't come to my class. Now, I'm curious how he was doing? Is he that busy that he couldn't visit for once? Or he has no plans to visit me all along? Not impossible. I smiled bitterly to that idea. If I know that our situation could be changes briefly between us then I regret not staying at him for a longer time. I regret for not cherishing the sweet and lovely day we had spent together.

I regret not killing the moment that we'd just stay like that. My mind stop wondering with my thoughts when I saw a car outside the gate of our house. My eyes narrowed. My heart raced thinking the possibility that it was Michael. Suddenly, I rose up from my seat and walk to the veranda more closely so I would have clearer view who is it. The car honked, the gate slowly open and it finally reveal who is it.

Silas. Harold. There is no Michael. My shoulder fell when I saw my friends calling my name happily while raising both of their arms. The excitement and a little happiness I felt faded and it become dissapointment. My expression got wary but I still forced myself to smile to greet my friends who were under the veranda of the house.

I sip slowly on my fruit juice taking my time while the two were busy telling to me how their days went since I was absent for a couple of days in school. How they tell me their stories shows how they enjoy it based on their facial expression and wide smiles while talking.

"Sayang nga eh wala ka. Tinawagan ka pa namin pero iyong katulong niyo ang sumagot at sinabi na may sakit ka raw kaya bumisita kami kaagad sayo pagkatapos. So, kumusta ka naman? Maayos na ba ang lagay mo, Tri?" Harold ask full of concern in his voice.

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