Chapter 14

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"I'm r-really sorry, Tri. I mean it. I regret doing that... I r-regret hurting you. I'm so stupid for acting that way. Ni hindi ko man lang iniisip ang magiging epekto no'n sayo. I was so busy yearning for my pain that I tend to hurt you. I'm s-sorry... Hindi kita dapat trinato ng ganoon. I'm not asking you to forgive me, for now—all I want is, so you would know that I regretted everything..." He murmured in shaking voice.

I cover my mouth with my hands with a low sobs about to come out. Hearing him asking for forgiveness gives relief to my heart. We always say that the past should be forgotten but what if you can't? You just said you already forget it but the truth is you just live with it because that past is a part of you with what you are now.

There is some past that you need to forget so you could move forward but there is some also you can't really even if you chooses to. Why? Simply, those past helped you become the better version of yourself that's why you can't. We, people learn from our past—mistakes. Nevertheless, it's still your choice if you keep messing with your life. 

I slowly turned around to him while scrunching my face. I should be happy right? Because I already receive an apology from him even I'm not asking for it. He willingly gave it to me.

"I want to know Michael. W-Why are you treating me so harshly, then? If I d-didn't do anything wrong... A-And why do hate me so much, back then? Why? D-Did I offend you in some way? A-And what do you mean you're busy yearning for your pain? Explain... I wanna know why. I want to know the whole story." I demanded.

I can see the redness of his eyes. This is the first time I saw how gloomy his eyes were. He is not crying but I could tell the brokenness and sadness in his eyes. His nose were crinkling but his expression on his face remains blank and stoic.

"Are you sure? You want to talk it here?" He asked in low tone like he was scared to caught what we were talking about.

My brows raised up with his question. The tears that were forming from my eyes earlier got postponed. 

"Yes, you're the first one who started this conversation so why are you suddenly scared?" I answered.

He breathed in as he brush his hair. He looked around first, and then open the door of the room again. What the heck?! We were like thiefs due to what his acting up!

"Let's get in, Tria. We should talk inside."

I sighed.

"Fine." I said while taking steps to step inside.

I headed straight to the pink sofa as soon I got in. Michael quickly closed the door. I waited him to completely close it before I decided to speak.

"So, were here. Care to share your reasons." I murmured.

He cleared his throat.

"You remind me of you of my ex girlfriend. Just like you she also liked me first. She's the one who always made the first moves between the two of us..." He paused.

My heart hurt after knowing that. I know I shouldn't be because I have no right to be hurt but I just can't help it. Come on, Trianah! You wanted this! So why are you hurting? You want to know his whole story so bear with it!

"She's also confident like you to confess her feeling in front of everyone. Just like what you did that it made me mad more because you two were almost the same. Your face were similar also the same with skin tone, features, height and built. Almost the same that I forgotten that you and her are different individual..."

Like hell? It is really possible? What if it's my sister he was talking about? But from whom? Dad? Mom? Is one of them cheating? I tilted my head, that's not going to happened. They won't cheat with each other.

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