Chapter 4

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I closed my eyes tightly as tears shimmered down on my cheeks. I'm not weak, but why I am such a weakling whenever in front of Michael? He's the only man who can make my knees tremble. Does he hate me so much to say that to me? If he didn't like me then, he can just reject me. Why bother throwing harsh words?!

And what did I do? That he hate me so much?! I wipe my tears while sniffing as I glanced at his back fading from my sight.

"Okay ka lang miss?" A guy whispered from my back that made me jumped.

"Go away! Don't talk to me!" I screamed.

The students near our direction look at us because of my loud scream. Some even raised their brows to me.

"Ang sungit mo naman. Ikaw na nga tinatanong ikaw pa may ganang magalit. Sayang maganda ka sana maldita naman." He mumbled.

At least I have a pretty face, right?

I rolled my eyes at him and walked out from the corridor of their building. I just waste my time here! I was walking irritatedly when I bumped to someone that made my blood boiled more.

"Bullshit! Are you stupid?! Look what have you done to my clothes?!" I exclaimed while looking at my ruined tops because of the ice coffee spilled on it.

"S-Sorry po... N-Nagmamadali lang talaga ako kaya hindi kita nakita..." The stupid girl lowered her head as she was saying sorry to me.

"So, are you saying that it's my fault, huh?" I said irritatedly.

Fear overtook over her face. She gasped and suddenly shook her head to me. She was trembling as she explained herself but I'm so bored listening to her so, I just leave. People are looking at me like it's my first time I did that.

I simply release a sharp and long sigh as I watching my team playing at the gym. They are practicing for the game later in the afternoon. I was busy looking at them when I felt an arms place above my shoulder. I glanced at Silas smirking at me with his playful grin all over his face.

I smack his arms that made him curse. I looked around to find Harold but I didn't see him maybe he's still busy these days. I wonder what keeping him busy? My eyes went back to Silas who is wincing in pain still not recovering.

"Where's Harold? Is he not going to watch my game?" I ask coldly.

"He's busy with his girl. I bought you a c2." He uttered and show me my favorite drink.

His girl? Why I don't know that?

"Thanks. Who's girl?" I took the drink from him.

"Ah, hindi mo kilala? That friendly girl. I forgot her name. Just ask him about it if you're curious."

I opened the bottle and sip on it. Sweetness lingered on my throat as I drink the c2 that Silas gave me. His lips pursued as he watched me sipping. I rolled my eyes at him as soon I finished drinking. He just laughed at it already used of my bitchy attitude.

"Why would I? If he wanted to tell me, he would. I don't have to ask him about it." My brows arched.

I wouldn't dare to ask him. I'm not that kind of person that force people to tell me about what's going on with their life. I respect it, if they want to keep it low-key or private. I know Harold, if he really wants me to know it, he'd already tell it to me in the first place. But I understand that, their live are not only circulating around me. They have social life except for me.

I know one day they will eventually find their girlfriend. And it means that their time spending with me will be divided because of that. I feel sad tho but that's how life is. I heaved a deep sigh before I sip again on my drink.

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