I Love You In The Way That Destroys You

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Gerard's heart raced as he sat in the car beside Frank, watching the police officers milling around the church parking lot

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Gerard's heart raced as he sat in the car beside Frank, watching the police officers milling around the church parking lot. Anxiety gnawed at him, knowing that they could be questioned at any moment. Frank glanced at Gerard.

"Stay calm," he said quietly. "We have to act like nothing's wrong."

Gerard nodded, but his hands trembled slightly in his lap. "Remember," Frank added, "We stick to our story. Mikey got into a fight with you, and then he disappeared. That's it."

Gerard swallowed hard, trying to steady his nerves. "Got it," he replied, though his voice wavered slightly.

"Don't say anything except what we planned. Just act normal." Frank glanced at Gerard, his eyes searching for reassurance and Gerard nodded.

"Got it," he replied, trying to muster as much composure as he could.

"I'll go in first," Frank continued, "and you follow a few minutes later. We don't want to raise any suspicions."

Gerard swallowed hard. "Okay," he said and as Frank stepped out of the car and made his way towards the church, Gerard took a deep breath.

He watched Frank disappear into the crowd of worshippers, his stomach churning with anxiety. It was his turn to play his part in their carefully choreographed charade, and he prayed that he could pull it off without arousing any suspicion.

Gerard's palms clammy with sweat as he sat alone in the car and he cast anxious glances at the church entrance, where Frank had disappeared moments earlier. He wiped a shaky hand across his forehead, trying in stop his anxiety.

Gerard stepped out of the car, his legs trembling beneath him as he locked the door with shaky hands. Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, he squared his shoulders and made his way towards the church entrance

As he approached, he noticed the police officers milling about, questioning various parishioners. His heart pounded in his chest, each beat echoing in his ears as he tried to blend in with the crowd.

Avoiding eye contact, he slipped past the officers. He felt their scrutinizing gazes linger on him for a moment, but he forced himself to keep walking. Gerard kept his head down, his footsteps quickening as he made his way towards the sanctuary.

He scanned the pews, searching for Frank among the congregation. Spotting him near the front, Gerard hurried to join him, relief flooding through him as he reached his side. "Everything okay?" Frank asked in a low voice.

Gerard nodded, though his nerves still jangled with anxiety. "Yeah," he whispered back, his voice barely audible above the murmur of the crowd. "Let's just stick to the plan."

Frank's smile eased Gerard's nerves, and he felt a rush of warmth flood through him at the sight. Gerard returned the smile and in that moment, Gerard couldn't help but marvel at how much he loved Frank. It was as if every worry, every fear melted away in the presence of this man who had become his rock.

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