Chapter 16: Family Extermination

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“Ouch, what the… Who, who!”

A bucket of cold water was poured over Zhang Hu’s head, instantly jolting him awake.

He couldn’t help but feel furious. Who was so wicked as to disturb someone’s sleep in the middle of the night?

“Uh… Lord Su.” Rubbing his eyes, Zhang Hu’s aura dissipated when he saw the person at the door.

Did something happen again? Zhang Hu couldn’t help but think of the scene in the prison cell.

“Wake everyone up. Go to the door and lock the person lying on the ground in the cell. Then gather in the courtyard and wait for me.” Su Yang instructed and turned to leave.

Zhang Hu stood up and rubbed his head, “Why do I always fall asleep every time something happens?”

“Get up… Get up… They were still sleeping soundly even though something had happened.”

As buckets of water were poured down, the soldiers who had been knocked out by the poisonous smoke woke up one by one. Zhang Hu brought his men to the entrance of the courtyard. When he saw the four of them, he couldn’t help but gasp and widen his eyes.

“Li Qingyun, Li Pingshan… And their master!

In his early years, he had seen their disciple recruitment ceremony, so he naturally knew their identities.

“This is a sixth-grade martial artist and cultivator…” Zhang Hu was extremely shocked.

Su Yang being able to deal with a seventh-grade was already beyond his expectations. Now, he could even easily deal with a sixth-grade…

There were not many traces of a fight at all. Judging from the situation at the scene, it was definitely a one-sided suppression.

How strong was their Divine Weapon Master?

“Take him away… Lock them all in the cells.”


In the courtyard, all the soldiers of Spring Breeze Wind had gathered.

“Do you know what happened tonight?”


“Very good. Those who murder officials of the Imperial Court will have their families confiscated and their entire clans exterminated. Are you all willing to follow me to the Li family?”

Su Yang’s words made the scene silent, and they were stunned on the spot. It was too sudden and violent, making them unable to react in time.

“I’m willing to listen to your orders!” Zhang Hu was the first to react, followed by the rest of the soldiers.

“Good! Move out immediately!” Su Yang waved his hand and walked in front, and hundreds of soldiers followed behind.

Each of them stood tall and straight, like a sword that had been unsheathed. These soldiers who had been abandoned in the past finally had some indomitable momentum now.

“Surround the Li Mansion.”

Hurried footsteps could be heard on the street. A fire dragon quickly spread out and covered the entire Li Mansion, and all the escape routes were blocked.


The door of the Li Residence was kicked open, and the two guards with sleepy eyes were taken down before they could understand what was going on.

“Li Qingyun and Li Pingshan have been arrested for murdering an official of the imperial court. According to the laws of Da Xia, the Li family will be exterminated. Those who resist will be killed without mercy!”

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