Chapter 75: Heaven and Earth Cultivation Technique

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Translator: Daoist6fubtiW

“Xiaoyu, pay attention and strive to cultivate. Only then can you save more suffering.”

In mid-air, Su Yang’s thoughts shifted, and a vast aura of swords permeated, surging in all directions.

Covering a vast range, it encompassed the entire jurisdiction of Kaiyang City.

“This sword technique is called Rainfall.”

“I want rain to fall upon this world, and so it shall.”

The sword aura filled the sky, causing a transformation in the celestial phenomena.

In an instant, dark clouds blanketed the sky for miles.

The commoners toiling on the land and the citizens of Kaiyang City drawing water all stood frozen.

“It’s going to rain!”

“Quick, go back and collect water!”

In no time, the commoners ran homeward, their path turning into a frenzied dash.

Even before they reached home, the sky opened up, pouring down heavy rain.

There was no gradual build-up, only a downpour of immense intensity. Large raindrops descended from above, replenishing the previously parched earth.

Rivers began to gather water, and various creatures emerged as life started to flourish once again…

The rain continued for a full day and night.

In mid-air, the three figures stood tall, shielded by the sword aura and Qi, untouched by the raindrops. “Xiaoyu, how is it?”

“Brother Yang, I understand…”

Jiang Xiaoyu felt his worldview continuously being reshaped.

A more advanced world was gradually unfolding before his eyes.

And it wasn’t just Jiang Xiaoyu; even Gu Xiu was discovering new horizons.

The impact Su Yang brought had already rendered him numb.

The thunderous sword intent, the transformation into a rainbow, and the ensuing rainfall…

All these remarkable abilities were something only the most exceptional geniuses could achieve.

But for Su Yang, it seemed effortless, like second nature.

With that matter settled, the three companions departed together.

Kaiyang City would embrace a new life.

[Task Complete: Will of All Beings +100]

On their journey back, Su Yang pondered over the items he had acquired from Luo Hongsheng.

Su Yang had consulted Gu Xiu about it, but even within the immortal sects, it was unheard of.

Upon hearing this news, Su Yang’s interest was piqued.

Initially, he had believed it to be an ordinary technique found anywhere, but now it seemed otherwise.

[Heaven and Earth Cultivation Technique]

[Introduction: Harnessing the power of heaven and earth, forging spiritual roots, cultivating the grand Dao. Divided into the Destruction Volume, Nourishment Volume, Formation Volume, and Spirit Domain Volume.]

[Destruction Volume: forcefully absorbing the essence of a specific location for personal cultivation. This method allows for rapid progress, but it also inflicts significant damage upon the location, accumulates a karmic burden, and easily attracts heavenly retribution.]

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