Chapter 37: Mission: Don't Deduct My Wages Again

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In Huangshan City, The Zhang, Niu, and Lu families gathered together.

“Everyone, I heard that the imperial court has recently established an inspection department. The people who enter it are not simple.” The head of the Zhang family spoke slowly.

“Not simple?” The head of the Niu family snorted coldly. “So what if they’re not ordinary? Our three families haven’t done anything that warrants scrutiny.”

“It’s just some trivial matters, yet this Commander Zhang is blowing it out of proportion, arresting our people and seizing our properties. They really think we’re easy to bully.” the head of the Lu family added.

“Yes, but to be safe, we should invite someone back.”

“That makes sense.”


In Snake Gate, Chu Sen reported what had happened in the hall.

“Patrol Department? I’ve already reached third grade. In the entire Tianfeng Prefecture, as long as I don’t rebel or massacre the city, the other party won’t pursue any small matters.”

“However, we can’t be too disrespectful to the Imperial Court. Control the death rate for the time being and don’t let too many people die.”


The leader of the Snake Gate did not take this matter to heart.


In Patrol Department, Su Yang waved his sword in the courtyard as usual. After half a day, Lei Ze came to find him.

“What’s the situation?” Su Yang put away his sword and asked.

Lei Ze explained everything that happened in Huangshan City in detail.

Zhang Clan, Niu Clan, and Lu Clan controlled the entire Huangshan City and manipulated the wages.

A normal commoner’s daily wage for physical labor was ten copper coins. This price was the lowest set by the imperial court and was jointly monitored by the local magistrate and the Martial Suppression Division.

However, after the Zhang, Niu, and Lu families joined forces to control the entire business of Huangshan City, they began to control the wages. On the contract, it was written that they had to compensate for their mistakes.

It was understandable, but the three families took advantage of this and began to deduct the workers’ wages. Neither the Martial Suppression Division nor the magistrate could say anything, so people could only allow them to be exploited.

As for resistance… Without strength, how could he resist? This wasn’t something that could be resisted with numbers.

Any eighth-grade martial artist could suppress dozens of people. Moreover, the three families all had martial artists in the fifth grade. It was only a matter of time before a fifth-grade martial artist massacred a city’s people.

The three families were also very smart. They would not bully martial artists. Their target was only the common people, just ordinary people.

“Prepare the horse for me.” Su Yang did not say much. Since some people always seemed to need a wake-up call, he would pay them a visit.

“Yes, sir!” Lei Ze was excited. If it wasn’t for the fact that he wasn’t strong enough, he would have trampled all three of them.

Not long after, the two of them left the county city on their horses. After a while, Su Yang had already appeared in Huangshan City.

As soon as he arrived at Huangshan City, Su Yang felt the lethargy that only disaster victims had. It was as if they had no hope in life and were living numbly.

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