Chapter 149: The Inescapable Evil Spirits? Nonexistent! (3)

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Translator: Daoist6fubtiW

Wang Cai is an intelligence collector from Gu Yun Star. He is currently responsible for keeping an eye on this particular affection-based source evil spirit up ahead.

Dealing with this type of source evil spirit, which is afraid of affection-based powers, is extremely challenging. Finding a cultivator who practices affection-based powers is rare.

This affection-based source evil spirit has been in existence for over a hundred years, roaming this area continuously. Despite more than a century passing, no one in Heijiao City has been able to deal with it.

It’s worth noting that Heijiao City encompasses over a hundred human planets in the Heijiao Star Nebula. There are over ninety small worlds and ten major worlds. Even with numerous strong cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage, their combined strength hasn’t been enough to handle this unique source evil spirit.

It’s clear that no one can resolve this specific type of source evil spirit, yet higher-ups insist that he keeps watch on it. This has left him very frustrated, making him question the sanity of those in authority. Who at this level could possibly comprehend the power of familial bonds? It sounds absurd.

If it weren’t for the resources provided for keeping watch, he would have quit long ago.

Today, Wang Cai is here as usual, keeping his vigil. In his field of vision, a person slowly appears. Initially, Wang Cai didn’t pay much attention, as many people pass through here. However, when the newcomer effortlessly defeats the affection-based source evil spirit with a single sword strike, Wang Cai widens his eyes in astonishment. He even rubs his eyes to ensure he’s not in some illusion.

“What? Did this insurmountable evil spirit die?” Wang Cai hastily examines the person who took action. He has no recollection of them, and their attire doesn’t belong to any of the ten major worlds.

“The clothing gradually shifts from white to pale black, and there’s a broken starry longsword on their back…”

“Which world’s sect is this?” Wang Cai’s mind races, but he has no recollection.

“It seems they’re from a small world. Incredible, practicing the power of affection? How can someone cultivate such an unusual power?”

Although the insurmountable source evil spirit is gone, Wang Cai is thrilled. Finally, he doesn’t have to stay here continuously. Moreover, he can report this person’s information and receive a reward. Information about practitioners with unique powers is always in demand.

Soon, Wang Cai forwards the individual’s characteristics to the higher-ups.

Su Yang casually eliminates the evil spirit he encountered. The gains he receives surprise him.

[Will of All Beings +1300]

Apart from the Will of All Beings, there’s also a faint trace of star system source at the location where the evil spirit died. It’s a short segment, but it radiates a strong source energy.

Su Yang instructs the consciousness of the Heavenly Path to transform this section of star system source into world source.

[World Source: 309 points]

Satisfied with the instant increase in world source, Su Yang continues toward the evil spirit nest.

Even before reaching the nest’s location, as he approaches it, Su Yang frequently encounters source evil spirits.

One after another, they appear in front of him, with levels ranging from lv. 100 to lv. 140.

This puzzles Su Yang. He’s still on the outskirts of the evil spirit nest, yet the source evil spirits he’s encountering are about to break through the Exteriorization stage and reach the Nascent Soul stage.

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