Chapter 160: Starry Bazaar

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Translator: Daoist6fubtiW

At this moment, Su Yang had already arrived at the central location of the first Out-of-Body Level Evil Spirit Nest.

Dim, gloomy, sinister, and chaotic…

These were the most prominent sensations within the Evil Spirit Nest.

Here, according to the rules of how Evil Spirit Nests manifest, this is a source point covered in polluted energy.

When the galaxy’s source world was born, the polluted energy mixed within, giving rise to unique source-level evil spirits.

Typically, the speed at which these evil spirits are born is not very fast.

The stronger they are, the slower they are to manifest.

However, the speed at which the source point gives birth to the galaxy’s source world remains constant.

When the speed at which evil spirits are born can’t keep up with the birth of the galaxy’s source world.

The galaxy’s source will start to accumulate, slowly accumulating more and more.

Until eventually, it forms a massive presence and the galaxy’s nuclei slowly appear…

This is the normal process of an Evil Spirit Nest.

And this is the approximate situation at the center of the Evil Spirit Nest.

Currently, what Su Yang saw in front of him was not much different from what he had known.

In this Evil Spirit Nest’s center, there is indeed a portion of the galaxy’s source. Strands of it floated around, encircling the area. At a glance, there were at least over a thousand strands.

In addition to these strands of the galaxy’s source, there was also a powerful Dual Crossing Level source-level evil spirit.

It had a massive body, sitting among countless strands of the galaxy’s source, absorbing and refining the power of the galaxy’s source.

It was also absorbing the polluted energy, constantly strengthening itself.

All of this was normal.

The only abnormal thing was a token floating within one of the strands of the galaxy’s source.

Su Yang didn’t know what material it was made of, but the whole token resembled a night sky.

Both sides had inscriptions.

Front: [Hanging Arm Galaxy]

Back: [Starry Bazaar]

Although he didn’t know what it was, it was likely something valuable, or else it wouldn’t be here.

As for what it was, he could find out by studying it later.

[Source-Level Evil Spirit – Unyielding]

[Level: lv. 322 (Out-of-Body Level)]

[Attribute: Primary Rules]

[Contained Source: 66 strands]

[Fearful Power: Tremendous Sound]

A very powerful evil spirit, and its feared power is quite peculiar.

This is also why source-level evil spirits have such slow birth rates and why there’s been no way to resolve this fundamental issue.

Su Yang had a thought, and a new sword technique appeared before him.

[Manual of All Beings – Echoing Sound]

[Function: At the moment of the sword intent’s attack on the target, the compressed echoing sound is released instantaneously, forming a terrifying sound wave attack.]

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