Chapter 139: Is This a Gold Core Level Spirit Liquid Pool?

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Translator: Daoist6fubtiW

Daxia Immortal Sect

Su Yang was swinging his sword when he suddenly noticed a surge in the willpower of sentient beings.

It wasn’t much, just over a thousand points, but it had been reduced by a hundredfold.

Through his sword intent, he knew that this was the result of Hong Tian and the other top disciples taking action.

This was just the beginning. As more of the Daxia Immortal Sect’s disciples went out, he would gain even more willpower from sentient beings.

When enough Daxia Immortal Sect disciples grew in strength, he could earn willpower effortlessly.

At the same time, he was considering the issue of recruiting more disciples.

The first batch of disciples had already been cultivated to the point where each of them could stand on their own and contribute to the entire world, bringing him benefits.

Moreover, the world had advanced, granting spiritual roots to many who previously lacked them, making it appropriate to recruit a new batch of disciples.

Su Yang pondered and decided to think about this matter again after some time.

The world had just advanced, and the foundation was still lacking. He would consider recruiting disciples after forging his own spiritual sword and entering the source land of the galaxy. At that time, the world’s source would be much more abundant.

With more disciples, there would be a greater demand for resources. He needed to carefully consider this to avoid recruiting disciples without the resources for their cultivation, which would be embarrassing.

At the same time, the first batch of disciples would also grow to higher stages, bringing more benefits. By then, no matter how many disciples were recruited, there would definitely be enough resources.

For now, he put this matter on hold and continued with his own affairs.

With his current strength, although he had entered the Red Earth Star, he was still not among the top-tier forces. He would think about breaking through to the Nascent Soul stage later.

Black Wind Forest

When Cao Manshan and a group of Gold Core cultivators caught up, what they saw was the Daxia Immortal Sect disciples concentrating their attacks on the Silver Moon Clan.

Ten against one, and they continued to attack those who could still resist.

Cao Manshan only took a few glances, and the battle was already resolved. His worries had been completely unnecessary.

At this stage of events, it seemed like he and his group hadn’t done anything at all. Had they come just for show?

The Daxia Immortal Sect disciples didn’t say much on the surface; they were only filled with the joy of victory in battle.

In the Sword Network, they were chatting excitedly in the Gold Core chat group.

There was no way they couldn’t be excited. The contributions they had earned in a single day were at least greater than what they would have earned in seven days in the past.

How could they not be thrilled in this situation?

Next was the cleanup of the battlefield.

The items on the defeated enemies were collected as they were killed. There wasn’t much to tidy up in the Black Wind Forest.

In this way, in less than a quarter of an hour, the attack on the Black Wind Forest was over.

The Daxia Immortal Sect disciples had hit the jackpot.

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