Chapter 25: Black Yellow Mother Ore

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At night, three figures arrived at the Big River Gang.

As soon as they reached the door, the three of them were stopped by two guards. Li Mingyuan took out their identity token, “Take us to Master Zhao.”

The token of the Martial Suppression Division was still very effective. After Li Mingyuan took out his token, the two of them immediately changed their attitudes.

“Please wait a moment, gentlemen. I will go and inform the steward,” one of the guards said.

Soon, a steward walked out of the middle, “Gentlemen, please follow me.”

The steward led the three of them inside.

Just as the three of them walked in, Ye Jiang noticed that Su Yang’s mood was fluctuating. He said worriedly, “What’s wrong?”

“I’m fine.” Su Yang shook his head on the surface, but his heart was not calm. The reason was that there was something above the head of the steward who led the way that only he could see.


[Sin: Level 12]


What was the meaning of this?

No matter what, this steward was definitely not a good person. In Pingshan City, even Li Ming and Li Yijiang, who had committed many crimes, did not have such a thing. However, it appeared on this person.

Su Yang did not know if this LV. 12 represented the other party’s strength or something else.

There were two possibilities. This person’s evil has reached level 12, or this person’s strength has reached level 12.

Also, this frame appeared above this person’s head. What did it need Su Yang to do?

The last time he killed Li Ming, it was because the mission was clear. Right now, the information was not clear. They only knew that this guy was not a good person.

Su Yang calmed down. No matter what, he had to do what he had to do now.

After walking for a while, they came to a hall.

“Please wait for a moment, I’ll go invite the master.” The manager said and left.

Su Yang paid attention to this person. He had a kind face and spoke politely. He looked completely harmless. The first impression he gave others was that he was an honest man.

However, the current Su Yang would not judge a book by its cover.

Zhao Dahe quickly walked in from outside, and the steward followed behind him obediently.

“May I know why the three of you are looking for me?”After Zhao Dahe entered, he took the main seat and did not show much respect to the three of them. After all, this was his territory.

“We came here to find you about the robbery at the Iron Ring Mountain.”Su Yang spoke first.

“Didn’t we already understand this matter before? I’ve already said what I need to say. Did I not cooperate?”Zhao Dahe was a little impatient when he heard that.

If the commander of the Yonghe Town’s Martial Department came, he would be slightly respectful. But what were these three guys in front of him?

Zhao Dahe sized up the three of them when he entered. Other than Li Mingyuan, who looked familiar, he had no impression of the other two. But without exception, he did not recognize any of them.

A small character whose name he couldn’t even remember dared to question him in the name of the Martial Suppression Division?

“Is that so? I’m afraid there are some things that you haven’t made clear.” Su Yang said calmly, “I heard that the Third Young Master of the Big River Gang was born paralyzed. How is he now?”

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