chapter sixteenth

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Ashton's pov

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Ashton's pov

I bit my lip as the anticipation grew, her hands were moving down my sides trailing down to their destination.

Every touch was sending shivers down my spine, every touch was freezing cold, yet my body blazing hot.

My breathing was becoming more ragged as the seconds passed. She was teasing me, and my desire was growing agonizingly fast.

She left a kiss on each section of my skin as she moved across my belly. My member laying at attention, just waiting to be set free.

A tongue was sliding along my inner thigh causing me to let out an involuntary groan. She was driving me crazy.

She slowly and gently grazed over my member and I drug out a soft "fuck" as I got a tiny taste of what I was aching for. I wasn't going to beg for it, not yet.

Her fingers reached for my boxer briefs as I heard quiet whispers in the back of my head. 'Who the fuck, is trying not to disturb us?' I thought as I felt my boxers being tugged down.

I looked back to her and tried to remain focused on the beauty between my legs. Now was not the time to get distracted.

Just as she was about to take my member into her hand, I'd heard my name being called. I closed my eyes willing the person to go away, but they persisted until I opened my eyes.

Wiping the fog from my clouded eyes, I was met with a smirkng Daja and an amused Rell.

Daja leaned in to rub my cheek then she kissed it.

"Did you have a nice nap?" She whispered against my ear as the grogginess took over my brain.

I slowly nodded and looked back to her.

"Go take a shower you nasty ass" Daja mugged as Rell burst out into laughter.

I was confused as to what was happening when I slowly begun to notice how uncomfortable my jumpsuit was. I blushed deeply and sat straight up quickly with a gasp.

'Oh fuck, not again!' I thought as I glanced back at the two of them who were both now laughing at my embarrassed reaction.

"Fuck, that was not supposed to happen" I muttered as I got up and bolted for my room slamming the door behind me.

I threw myself back against the door and groaned looking down at my hard friend.

"Really? While we're napping like that? I know the dream was good but damn!" I whisper yelled and made my way to the shower shedding off my clothes as I walked.

I started the water and turned on my speaker as I tried to wake myself up. I grabbed my tablet and turned on my shower playlist.

I started to sway my hips as Amphetamine by Smino graced my ears with the soft synth. I bopped my head to the kick as I pulled off my bra and boxers.

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