murderer's daughter

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aurora black hesitated to step on the train, standing still in front of one of the many entrances.

"come on, rora. it will be okay." her cousin urged, giving her a slight push as she nodded and led them to the compartment with their friends.

the entire walk people stared and whispered, everyone knew that sirius black had escaped. and almost everyone held it against aurora.

"ignore them, rory. they just love to talk about things they don't understand." theo said, as daphne nodded and pulled the black haired girl into the seat next to hers.

"i overheard brown and patil one tell patil two that i'm dangerous, just like him." aurora said, staring at the window.

"i'll kill them, they can't get away with that. you're an angel." pansy said, angry they could say such horrid things about such a sweet girl.

"angel?" blaise questioned, looking between the two girls.

"shut up, blaise." pansy parkinson retaliated, rolling her eyes at the boy.

"if anyone's dangerous, it's stupid potter. he's about killed us our first two years." draco said, clearly annoyed with the scarred boy.

"you're obsessed." aurora said, giggling as he started a rant on harry potter.

though, as draco was mid rant, daphne's little sister, astoria, came barging in.

"hi, daph and everyone. this is lorenzo berkshire, he's new, french, and a third year. thought i'd introduce him to all of you." astoria said, clearly proud of herself.

"hey, mate. i'm blaise. this is daphne, aurora, pansy, theo, and draco." blaise said, smiling at the new guy.

"sit, sit. do you know your house yet?" daphne said, forcing draco to move over.

"no, but mum said i'll most likely be ravenclaw or slytherin." enzo said, pleased to have made friends so early on.

"as long as you're not gryffindor, we'll love you." pansy said.

"theo and i are so getting on the quidditch team this year." blaise said, as theo excitedly nodded along.

"i'm going for either chaser or keeper and blaise is going for chaser." theo said, smiling wide.

"you two will definitely make the team. we'll come watch try outs. you coming too, lorenzo?" aurora said, turning towards their most recent addition to their little group.

none of them knew it at the time, but they'd all be forever grateful to astoria for introducing the new teenager to them.

"yeah, yeah. i'll come." lorenzo said, smiling. "and you can all call me enzo, if you'd like."

"of course!" aurora said, forgetting about the rumors circling around her for just a moment.

"so, enzo, you're from france?" daphne asked, loving the country and wanting to know more.

"yes, from reims. it's lovely, one of the most beautiful cities i've ever been in." enzo said, slightly missing france as he spoke about it.

"i have a veela cousin in paris, france is my favorite country ever." daphne said, a dreamy look in her eyes as she remembered all the trips there.

"reneè, right? salazar, i miss her." blaise said, now a dreamy look in his own eyes as he remembered the gorgeous blonde.

"and also too old for you." daphne said, glaring at the boy across from her.

enzo and theo just laughed as they watched the interaction between the two friends.

"murderers daughter!" someone shouted as they passed the compartment they were all in, causing pansy to slam the door shut and aurora to look down in shame.

"they're just idiots, ignore them, rory." theo said, setting his palm on her knee as he attempted to calm the girl down.

enzo just looked around in confusion, wanting to ask but knowing better.

however just moments later, the door was opened again. a hopeful three hoping to find an empty compartment.

"oh." the girl with bushy hair squeaked out, as she looked inside and saw the group of slytherins.

"what are you staring at, granger?" pansy snapped, noticing the looks towards aurora.

"nothing, sorry." hermione said lowly before guiding the two boys with her to keep looking elsewhere.

"i'd like just one year without having to see their stupid faces." pansy said, irritated.

"who are they?" enzo asked, noticing everyone's irritation towards the three.

"harry potter, ron weasley, and hermione granger. a real annoying lot." draco said.

enzo just nodded and turned his attention to the cards daphne decided to pull out as the train started moving.

theo smirked as he won another hand, but then the train halted into a stop and the air got cold.

"draco, stop. where are you going?" aurora questioned as draco opened the compartment door and wandered into the corridor.

"bloody idiot." pansy said, throwing her hand of cards onto the little table in the center.

suddenly, the group heard a scream.

"draco." aurora said, her eyes widening as she rushed out of the compartment, theo just behind her.

only to find draco hugging himself on the floor of a different compartment with the weasley twins and lee jordan laughing.

"merlin, draco. get it together. come on." aurora said, her and theo pulling the blonde up, glaring at the trio as they did so.

"maybe the dementors were here for you, black. couldn't get your dad, so they settled for the next best thing." fred said, causing lee to laugh.

theo moved to swing at the ginger but aurora just grabbed ahold of his arm, shaking her head no as she led the two boys back to their own compartment.

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