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blaise and aurora shared a look as daphne and adrian came rushing into the great hall, very aware that they were almost late.

"sorry, we got caught up." daphne said, taking her seat beside aurora just as dumbledore began speaking.

"now, the moment you've all been waiting for. the champion selection." he announced, dimming all of the candles surrounding them. "the durmstrang champion is viktor krum." he yelled out, making the great hall boom with applause as the quidditch player took his spot near dumbledore. "the champion for beauxbatons is fleur delacour." he said, causing the french school and every man in the room to cheer. "the hogwarts champion, cedric diggory." he said, as the whole school erupted in applause, proud of their huffepuff friend.

"he's so beautiful, he's going to win." aurora gushed, as theo pretended to stab his eyes out behind her.

"wait, what's that?" daphne said, as another name came out of the cup.

"harry potter." dumbledore mumbled, almost nobody able to hear him. "harry potter?" he called out, causing blaise to cover his mouth so his laughter wouldn't come out as the gryffindor lowered himself in his seat. "harry potter!" he yelled, forcing the boy to come out of hiding and to slowly walk towards their headmaster.

"how come he can join, but i can't?" blaise complained, causing theo to smack the back of his head.

"mate, i don't think that was his choice." theo said.

"he looks terrified." daphne said, her heart empathetic.

"bloody potter." draco muttered, rolling his eyes.

"draco, stop. look at snape's face. this wasn't supposed to happen." aurora whispered.

"so? that bastard always gets everything. i'm sick of it." draco whispered back, not caring about just how deadly the situation was.

as the night drone on and the students finally left the great hall while all of the professors conversed with harry, aurora decided to get out one of regulus' diary's and to get comfortable on one of the slytherin couches.

i fear sirius and i will never get along. i attempted to speak to him today, but he brushed me off so he could talk to potter. as sirius ushered me away, all i could do was nod. malina was livid. i could hear the slap as i was walking away, but i couldn't face my brother again. it only ever caused pain. but my lovely, beautiful, lina. she just makes it all better. she rushed after me immediately after slapping the bloke. no matter how down i am, she always brings a smile to my face. my lina. my girl. my biggest defender. she's an utter disaster sometimes, but she's my disaster. malina bloom, one day, malina black.

aurora read the entry, a small smile creeping into her face as she read about just how in love her uncle was with her aunt. it gave her hope, hope that even with the black family name, she would still find love.

evan and i fucked up. he casted a curse on sirius, causing his legs to turn to jelly and his hair to fall out. sirius's screams of horror could've been heard a hundred miles away. i couldn't help but laugh, causing my brothers stupid pet to turn on me. potter was madder than ever, just kept screaming at evan and i, calling us terrible people. it was just hair. hair that would come back in just a few hours. it was never that serious. but potter's yelling and sirius' wailing got evan and i landed in three months of detention. truly outrageous. they're such a dramatic lot.

aurora couldn't help but laugh as she read about her father losing his hair, completely unaware that in that moment, harry potter was speaking to him.

"what's so funny?" theo asked, taking a seat beside her on the emerald couch.

"regulus." she said, closing the book.

theo just nodded, swinging his arm over her shoulders.

"i wish he was still here, i just know we'd be close." she said, her eyes focused on the fireplace in front of them as she spoke.

"you would." theo agreed, pulling her closer before letting her drift off on his shoulder.

the next day, aurora saw her way in on further conversation with cedric diggory.

after finding out she was failing transfiguration, cedric's best class, she was able to convince professor mcgonagall to get cedric as her tutor.

aurora was sitting in the courtyard with cedric and his friends, his friends laughing and wearing the new potter stinks pins that draco had made.

aurora couldn't help but laugh as julian atros spun his badge over and over.

cedric laid his head in her lap, letting her play with his hair as they all talked, showing that their tutoring sessions were clearly going well.

but as harry approached, cedric quickly shot up, trying to shut the group up.

"read the badge, potter!" julian said, everyone in the group except for cedric and aurora laughing.

"can i have a word?" harry asked, ignoring the rest of the group.

"here to take more things from me?" aurora asked, glaring at harry.

"i'm here to speak with cedric." harry said, barely glancing at the slytherin.

"all right." cedric said, standing up and following the gryffindor.

aurora rolled her eyes before pulling out the badge draco had put in her bag in the morning.

"wear it proudly, black." julian said, helping her pin it onto her robes and watching as it switched between potter drinks and cedric rules.

aurora smiled as cedric came back to them, wrapping his arm around her waist as he sat down next to her.

"what's going on?" aurora asked, staring at draco and harry yelling at each other a little bit further.

"shouldn't you know? those are your friends." cedric said, watching the scene.

"bloody idiots." aurora said, watching as draco, theo, crabbe, goyle, and enzo all stood in front of potter.

"you going to break it up, black?" another one of cedric's friends asked.

"draco's problem, not mine." aurora said, as cedric's arm tightened around her waist.

but aurora shot out of cedric's grasp as professor moody turned her cousin into a ferret. she quickly ran to where they were, cedric just behind her as moody began flinging him around in the air.

"professor, please. that really isn't necessary." aurora pleaded, theo and enzo frantically agreeing.

"needs to learn a lesson." moody grumbled, just making the ferret fly around faster.

thankfully, mcgonagall came running down, saving draco from more.

"professor moody! what are you doing?"

"teaching." moody said, still continuing to fling draco around.

"is that a student?" mcgonagall asked, horrified at the idea.

"technically, it's a ferret." moody said, still not stopping.

cedric couldn't help but laugh, trying to cover it up with the back of his hand so aurora wouldn't get mad at him. but, aurora had let out a snicker too. while it was a vile way to teach someone a lesson, she had no doubt that her cousin had done something to deserve it.

and aurora couldn't help but let out a cackle as the ferret was now in crabbe's pants.

"one way to get a blow." theo said, starting to laugh at crabbe's horror.

finally as draco got out of crabbe's pants by the ankle, mcgonagall casted him back into himself.

"my father will hear about this!" draco yelled, the moment he was off the ground and back to himself.

"i hate that stupid line." aurora said, making cedric laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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