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all summer long aurora had not once taken off the beautiful pearl necklace, her friends had asked many times where it had come from, but she wouldn't say.

only two people out of the whole group had been able to get it out of her, swearing they wouldn't tell another soul.

after aurora had finally come clean to daphne and theo, they treated the necklace like it was the most fragile thing in the world. when hugging her, they'd be careful to avoid touching it, even when theo would swing his arm around her, he'd ensure he never touch it.

however, narcissa had realized immediately. her aunt had known aurora's mother during her time as a slytherin and remembered the latina wearing the gorgeous pearled beauty every day.

draco sighed dramatically against aurora's arm, dreading going back to school after so many nights and days with their friends, being carefree teenagers.

of course, the whole group knew it was different than past summers, the darkness lingering in the air, the way lucius malfoy had banned the two fourteen year olds from having their friends over, constantly sending them away to blaise's or enzo's.

"it won't be so bad, dray. we still have the cup." aurora reminded her cousin, holding on to their last event of summer.

draco nodded as lucius walked them to the portkey, where their friends were waiting.

"daph!" aurora shouted, even though she had seen the blonde just two days before she ran towards her best friend, pulling her into a hug.

"rory!" daphne yelled back, tightening the hug.

blaise held back a laugh at their dramatics, as enzo let his out.

"everyone brace themselves." lucius said, as himself and the seven teenagers all touched the gardening can.

as aurora, daphne, enzo, pansy, and theo all landed with ease, blaise and draco came crashing down.

"get up." lucius growled, grabbing draco's arm as he yanked him up.

aurora quickly stopped laughing, seeing the frustration in her uncles eyes.

"right, sorry sir." blaise said, clearing his throat as he stood back up and brushed his hands over his shirt.

lucius just hummed back, leading the way towards their tent where the house elf's had already set all of their belongings up.

"aurora, you will be sharing the room to the left with the girls. draco, room to the right with the boys." lucius said, letting the children wander for a moment before directing them towards the game.

"well, put it this way, if it rains, you'll be the first to know." lucius said, overhearing ron weasley talk to his dad about how high up they were.

aurora kept her eyes on the ground, feeling embarrassed from the last time she had seen the three gryffindor's.

"father and i-"

"us." blaise interjected.

"father and us, are in the minister's box, by personal invitation of cornelius fudge himself." draco bragged, his face smug as the weasley's all looked down at him glumly.

"don't boast, draco." lucius said, hitting draco's stomach with his cane.

aurora looked even harder at the ground, unable to watch her cousin be a target of lucius' cruelty.

"what's go you so down, black? sad your daddy didn't even try to find you while in hogwarts?" fred said, smirking as he tilted his head at the dark haired girl.

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