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as soon as they were dismissed aurora had grabbed her friends and rushed them out of the classroom, not missing a beat as they hurried down the spiral stairs.

"did you see granger's face? that was bloody awful." daphne said, every bit of her absolutely enraged of how cruel the lesson was.

"did you see longbottom's?" aurora asked, full of pity as she shook her head in disbelief.

"he's an absolute nut." enzo said, the rest of the group quick to agree.

aurora looped her arm with pansy's as they walked through the corridors to get where the goblet of fire was, each of them wanting to use it as an excuse to forget the horrid class they were just in.

they sat on the bleachers as they watched students from all three schools throw their names in.

"what do you think would happen if i just did it anyways?" blaise asked.

"dumbles probably has a million different charms surrounding it to ensure that doesn't happen." pansy said, grabbing a bag of grapes out of her bag and tossing one in her mouth.

"give me one." aurora said, trying not to laugh as pansy leaned away from her to try to throw it in her mouth.

"score!" pansy yelled as aurora successfully began chewing.

"blaise, don't be stupid. look at the age line, you'll get cursed quicker than you could say curse." daphne said, pointing at the circle around the goblet.

blaise just pouted in return, wishing he could enter in the tournament.

but aurora's attention was taken away from the grapes pansy had been throwing at her when a group of loud hufflepuff's ran in, shoving cedric diggory into the circle.

"he's quite beautiful, don't you think?" aurora asked pansy, not taking her eyes off of the older hufflepuff.

"diggory? no, not really." pansy said, her face sour as she looked at him.

"you've got to be kidding. he's gorgeous, pans." aurora said, giving him a small wave as he looked in her direction, which he then returned with a smile and a wink, causing the slytherin girl to blush.

"his face is too bony." theo said, inviting himself into their conversation.

"oh, shove off." aurora said, rolling her eyes at him.

"just speaking my truth, tesoro." theo said, grinning at her.

"let the poor girl have a crush." pansy said.

theo just shook his head before getting distracted by enzo.

aurora watched as he hugged his friends before making his way to her.

"hi, diggory." aurora said, trying to keep the flush out of her cheeks as she spoke to him.

"please, call me cedric." he said, smiling at her.

"okay, cedric. think you'll get chosen?"

"hoping, you'll watch if i do?" cedric said, quickly looking her up and down before bringing his gaze back to her own eyes.

"of course. you'll be the highlight of it all." she said, swiftly checking him out like he had done to her before.

"i'll see you around, yeah?" he asked, as his friends began trying to call him back over.

"yeah." she said, unable to keep the smile off her face.

cedric just smiled back, his cheeks rosy as he walked away and back to his group.

"ew." theo said, his eyes dragging after the boy that had just been flirting with her.

"hush up, look at her blush." daphne said, pinching aurora's right cheek, causing her to grimace and try to pull away from the blonde.

"he better leave my baby cousin alone." draco said, completely uninterested in the idea.

"i'm literally older than you." aurora said, glaring at him.

thankfully, their attention was caught by the weasley twins before a fight could start.

"dimwits." daphne said, annoyed as the gryffindor's applauded the redheads for whatever disastrous potion they had made.

"seems like granger noticed that pesky age line too." blaise said.

"like that will stop tweedle dee and tweedle dum." enzo said.

"tweedle who and tweedle what?" theo asked, as the whole group looked at him in confusion.

"like from alice and wonderland." he said, still met with six confused faces. "never mind."

the twins jumped in the circle, earning applause from their fellow gryffindor's.

"please turn into sludge." pansy said, crossing her fingers and closing her eyes for a moment.

"you're awful." aurora said, laughing at the idea.

"you'd love it. shut fred weasley up for once." daphne said.

"i'd owe my life to dumbledore if he managed that." aurora said.

they watched as they tossed their names in, all going well for a moment, before they were suddenly thrown back.

the slytherin's burst out laughing as were turned into old men, each of them shouting out remarks through their uncontrollable laughter.

but the laughter stopped as viktor krum came in, stealing everyone's attention.

"now, him. he's gorgeous." pansy said, resting her chin on her hand as she stared at the older boy.

"i'd bet so many galleons on him." daphne said, staring at krum in interest.

"how much? i'm always up for a bet." enzo said, pulling a bag of coins out of his pocket and shaking it, so the group could hear them clatter around.

"fifty that he'll win." daphne said.

"you're on."

"guys, watch. he's about to enter his name." aurora said, hushing her friends. "daph. did you just see that?" she asked, her eyes flickering between krum and the gryffindor.

"of course i did. you don't think?" daphne said.

"oh, i do think." aurora said, nodding her head.

"what? what? you think what?" blaise asked, desperate to be involved in the drama.

"you'll figure out. you're a big boy." daphne said, patting his back before following adrian pucey out into the hall.

"is my sister messing around with the quidditch captain?" astoria greengrass asked, walking into the room viktor krum had just left.

"no clue." draco said, shrugging.

"they're just flirting, i'm pretty sure." blaise said, as astoria nodded.

"well, can one of you please tell daphne that mum keeps asking me about her love life." astoria said, clearly annoyed about it.

"no, i'll pass." blaise said, grinning at the younger blonde.

"always an arse, hm?" astoria said, crossing her arms as she stared down at him.

"with love." blaise said, not letting his smile drop.

"ignore him, i'll tell her for you." aurora said, giving blaise a small shove before leaving the room.

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