veela's & unforgivable curses

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majority of the school stood outside, eager to see what the commotion of newcomers was about.

aurora stood between adrian and blaise as carriages came flying in.

"those are from reneè's school." daphne said, her lips curving upwards as she hoped her cousin was in one.

"i love that gorgeous witch." blaise said, practically drooling without even seeing her yet.

"someone's a little obsessed, hm?" adrian said, raising an eyebrow at blaise.

"oh and you're not?" blaise retaliated.

"holding out for the better cousin." adrian said, winking at daphne who just rolled her eyes, attempting to hide the blush in her cheeks.

enzo pointed at the lake, as a boat rose to the surface.

"merlin i think that's durmstrang." enzo said.

"what are they doing here?" draco asked.

"no idea but it's bloody cool." adrian said, watching the boat.

that night, the slytherin's sat at their table in the great hall, adrian shamelessly flirting with daphne who would just blush and roll her eyes at him in return.

"now we're all settled in and sorted. i'd like to make an announcement. this castle will not only be your home this year, but home to some very special guests as well. you see, hogwarts has been chosen-" dumbledore had started, but was cut off as filch had come running down the great hall and to the headmaster.

"what the hell?" blaise said, snickering as they watched the squib run through the middle of the hall.

"has he ever ran before?" adrian questioned, laughing himself as he watched just how oddly he had ran.

"doubt it. too busy begging to whip students." aurora said, causing enzo to choke on his pumpkin juice as his eyes went wide.

"oh, don't worry, enzo. he's never gotten permission." daphne said, patting his back as he coughed.

"so, hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event. the triwizard tournament." he continued, everyone whispering amongst each other in the excitement. "now, for those of you who do not know, the triwizard tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. from each school, a single student is selected to compete. now, let me be clear. if chosen, you stand alone. and trust me when i say, these contests are not for the faint hearted. but more of that later. for now, please enjoy me in welcoming the lovely beauxbatons academy of magic." he introduced, as the doors opened.

the entire school watched as a rather large group of beautiful girls walked into the great hall.

"oh stop it." daphne said, reaching to blaise and closing his mouth.

"they're gorgeous." enzo said, his eyes trailing the brunette in the front.

"of course they are, they're veela's." pansy said.

blaise couldn't help but blow a kiss to reneè greengrass as she walked by the slytherin table.

she smiled at the group, before scurrying off with her fellow classmates.

"stop eyeing my cousin like that." daphne scolded, hitting his head with a newspaper. 

"i can't help it, look at her." blaise said, scooting away from the irritated blonde.

"merlin's balls, she's huge." theo said, his jaw dropping once he saw the headmistress of the school.

"she's definitely not a veela." pansy said.

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