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they didn't bother staying to watch gryffindor and hufflepuff play, them all feeling worn out as they headed back to the slytherin common room with the team.

"no, seriously, d. when you went fully upside down as you caught the snitch, i think my heart stopped. that was insane." aurora said, looping her arm with her cousins' as they walked.

"part of the sport. nothing special." draco shrugged, not revealing how he was clutching on so hard he couldn't feel his hands.

"how could you lot even see?" enzo asked, amazed at the skills it took to play quidditch.

"you sort of can't, you just hope for the best." adrian said, swinging his arm over daphne's shoulder.

"shove off, pucey." daphne scoffed, throwing the fifth years' arm off of her.

aurora laughed as she stood on her tiptoes and put one arm around adrian and the other around marcus.

"what is the slytherin team going to do without you two." she said, keeping them close. "i mean, marcus, it's your last year. and adrian, you graduate in two years." aurora said, pulling them in more before letting them go.

"they're all grown up." pansy said, fake sniffling as she ruffled marcus' hair.

"oh, shove off." marcus said, but he couldn't help his smile as the younger slytherin's messed with him.

"we need you and black on the team when we all leave." warrington said, nodding towards pansy as he spoke.

"and why not me or enzo?" daphne questioned, crossing her arms.

"one, you're you. two, berkshire, you ever flown?" warrington said.

"only once, i hated it. never again." enzo said, getting shivers from the memory alone.

"my point precisely." warrington said, smiling widely at daphne.

"bigot." daphne scoffed under her breath, walking away from the chaser.

"you know you love me, greengrass." warrington said, laughing at her.

"go jump off the astronomy tower." daphne said, making aurora and blaise laugh. blaise was laughing to the point where he was leaning on aurora for support, who then had to lean onto adrian so she wouldn't fall over.

"easy there, zabini. gonna send rory toppling over." adrian said, pulling aurora away from blaise who crashed onto the ground without her support.

"you lot have fun, i'm going to the ravenclaw party." derrick said, with bole nodding behind him.

"night." the rest of the group said, as the two beaters left.

"you don't have to hang out with us, you guys can go to the party." theo said, knowing adrian and marcus probably don't want to be around a bunch of third years.

"no, you lot are cooler than those ravenclaws. we'll stay." adrian said, marcus nodding in agreement.

the group of nine all sat around the common room, drinking butterbeer and laughing about who even knows what for an hour before rayna rosier and selina carrow came running in.

"did you hear? potter fell like over one hundred feet off his broom." selina said, a bright smile on her face as she tried to refrain from laughing.

"no way, are you serious?" daphne said, shooting up off her seat next to adrian.

"that's bloody brilliant!" adrian said, placing his arm over daphne again.

"never happening, pucey." daphne said, once again, throwing his arm off of her.

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