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"Her brother?" the teacher asks whispering. He signs ok and leaves. I haven't stopped crying but push Jungwon away. "Jungwon, m-my bro-brother c-can't come, he c-can't see m-me like this...please..." I ask while sobbing occasionaly. We hear Yoobin coming. "Ok then...are you sure?" Jungwon asks not knowing why she doesn't want any comfort from her brother. "Yeah, but please..." I ask desperately almost standing up myself but being stopped by Jungwon. "Don't, I'll do it...but then promise to talk to me ok?" He says walking to the door closing the curtain after seeing me nod.

"Heyy Yoobin,... your sis is fine actually,... she said you didn't have to come, she's sleeping now..." Jungwon says. " I'll just check on her really quick, I have some cake for her too..." He says showing a cake. " Why? Is there a special occasion or something?" Jungwon says closing the door behind him and standing in front of it. "Haha, very funny Jungwon, but I'm her brother remember? Obviously I already know it's her birthday, did you really think I wouldn't know?" He said rolling with his eyes a bit and flashing a smile which dropped fast. Jungwon started feeling bad... 'Why was she crying this hard on her birthday, and why did she hyperventilate?'. He snaps back into reality and stops Yoobin. "No! Yoobin seriously she told me not to let anyone in... She uhh... she had girl problems apparently... I heard her say that to the nurse." But she fell asleep meanwhile..." he uses as an excuse. "Oh... I'll give this to her later then I guess. Okay...later then hyung!" he says while walking away. "Wait! Yoobin, I know this may be a sensitive question, but when did your parents die?" Jungwon asks looking a bit guilty for asking like this out of the blue. Yoobin stops and just stands there for a second. "Why?" he asks turning his head to the side barely being visible to Jungwon. "I was just curious...," Jungwon pauses, "Today." Yoobin says at the same time as Jungwon says "...and to prepare a distraction on that day maybe..." now putting a hand on Yoobins shoulder turning him around. He looks at Yoobin and his eyes widen for a second. There are tears falling from Yoobins face. Yoobin looks down immediately and covers his face with his ellbow. Sobs are now heard. Jungwon hesitates at first but then tightly hugs Yoobin. Yoobins eyes widen. "What-" he gets shushed by Jungwon, "You know, it's okay to cry some times and now is that time." Jungwon says patting Yoobins back. Yoobin just breaks down, sinking more in the hug. Little did they know someone was watching, and it was not the teacher. Yeong-joo closes the door again and a tear and another tear fall down her face again. Her hearth broke when she saw him crying. But she found it so cute that Jungwon gave him a hug.

After an hour or two I went back to class. Then it was break time and I was just on my phone in the hallways. But then I kept getting videos and edits about my parents. I start panicking a bit and feel a pain in my chest while having a hard time breathing. I instinctly search for Jungwon, so I run to the music room. "J-Jungwon? A- Are you here?" I ask. "Yeong-joo?" he asks sitting up. I see him. He stands up. I throw myself onto him hugging him and crying. He takes a step back because of the force, but he hugs me back. After a while when my panic attack was already over we were just sitting there. "Do you want to tell me?" he says after some silence. I look down and prepare myself. "You don't have to..." he says after glancing at me. "No...I'll tell you...just give me some time okay?" I say. I turn my body to him a bit and fumble a bit with the end of his T-shirt. "Do you know actor Bae Eunsik and Kim Yoo Jung?" I ask. "OOOMG yess! They're such good actors. Did you know them? Is that why you're crying, because they're dea-" Jungwon answers stopping as something comes to his mind. "They're my parents...And they died or more precisely got killed." Yeong-joo says. Jungwon looks a bit shocked. "T-They're your parents?" he asks. "Yeah..." I say letting out a sob. Jungwon realises now is not the time to be shocked. "How'd they get killed? Who killed them?" he asks looking at Yeong-joo. Yeong-joo stays silent for a minute. Jungwon was about to say something, but Yeong-joo started talking. "When U-jin was around 12 years old we moved to the US because my father signed with an American label. And they had to go to some sort of event two years ago. U-jin was staying with us but he had to get something from the store real quick. And when he left I snuck out to where the event was and stood there in the crowd watching everyone arriving as they walked over the red carpet. And then I finally saw my parents, they looked so happy and I was feeling so proud of them. I noticed someone pushing through the crowd on the other side of the red carpet and I started pushing through my side wanting to know their intentions until I saw something glistening. It was a knife, so I sped up and pushed the guard pointing at the man, but the guard noticed too late, because by the time I looked where the man was with his knife, the man was running off with around five people following him, trying to catch him. I looked back at my parents and I only saw my mother in shock staring at the ground covering her mouth with her hands tears forming. I looked at the ground and-..." Yeong-joo chocked on her tears. "It's okay..." Jungwon pats her back hugging her. "No,... I'm going to finish talking-" she says whilst pushing Jungwon away a bit, sobbing. "I looked at the ground and...and...my father was lying there bleeding from his stomach pressing on the wound with his hands, while a few staff members rushed towards him paparazzi started pushing and pulling as well. My mom started yelling and crying and she held his face pressing the wound as well. Someone else was making a call to the hospital but they put my mother and father back in the car and rushed to the hospital themselve. The paparazzi started running to their own vehicles and started following the van. I first fell down and started crying but I ran home and watched the news to see if my parents would be okay in the end. I knew my father would hang on, he wouldn't die... when I finally got to start watching the news I saw an accident had happened. I was confused why they were showing this and not the assasination that happened at the event but I realised as I saw a blue dress it was my mom and dad who were in the vehicle laying upside down..." I kept watching and started crying more and more panicking on what to do as I didn't want to startle my brothers, but I heard a clang on the ground behind me and stuff falling on the ground as well. U-jin had just come home from the store with some snacks and ice cream, and Yoobin just came out of his room with a plate and a glass wanting to put it in the kitchen. Yoobin had dropped the glass and the plate and U-jin had dropped the groceries. Yoobin ran over to the tv and asked me if it is what he thought it was. I looked at him with my puffy face and crying. U-jin just stood there taking slow steps  constantly watching te tv. Yoobin fell to the floor wailing and crawling to my knees as I was sitting on the couch begging me to tell him it was a prank while U-jin was just standing there until he ran out of the house. "U-JIN! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" I asked following him as he ran to the bus stop. Yoobin followed us and we arrived at a hospital. There was a lot of paparazzi, and the guards wouldn't let us in as we weren't known to the public. But my parents' manager did know us... and when he stepped outside planning to make a call he saw us sitting on a stone a bit further crying or hugging each other. He then came running to us and put an arm around U-jin. "You guys are here? How did you know? I was just planning on how to get you here and tell you... Did you watch the news?" he asked us. We stayed silent. He wanted to take us inside but didn't want us to deal with the public so he gave us masks and sunglasses so our faces were covered. While we were running inside the hospital we as minors were stopped in front of the ICU because they were covered in blood so me and Yoobin just sat there crying in each others embrace while U-jin went in there. U-jin walked outside with a slow pace. Me and Yoobin ran up to him. "U-jin, what's happening are they okay?" I say. "I want to see them can we really not go in?" Yoobin asks sobbing. "They- They're..."" U-jin says stopping mid sentence...

Authors note:

Sorry guys I haven't had the time to publish my next chapter even though I had it ready for a long time. I am soon entering my exam period so then I won't be posting either... 

I'm so sorry to whoever likes my story.

Ok bye guys!

Finding comfort ~ Yang Jungwon ffWhere stories live. Discover now