Antidote💊 Part 2

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⚠️Warning- This story contains mentions of violence/sexual themes, so skip the parts if they make you very uncomfortable. Story will get a bit steamy towards the end ⚠️

"ENOUGH!!" A loud voice boomed from behind the two. Valentino jumped and glared past his shoulder, finding you standing there, glaring with immense rage. Angel looked on you in shock, wondering how the heck you got in here. Valentino let go of Angel's neck, causing him to sink to the floor, gasping for breath. "How the flying f✪✪✪ did you get in here?!" Valentino sneered at you, standing up to his full height. Trying to suck in a breath, Angel stared at you, eyes watering from the tears. He extended his hand out to you. "Y-Y/N! Its okay. Get outta here!" Begging you with his voice, he didn't want you to suffer at the hands of his boss. Stepping closer to Valentino, you glared into his eyes, icy blue irises flaming with anger. "Angel is coming with me right now!" Guffawing with laughter, Valentino bent over holding his stomach, amused at your words. "Oh this is priceless. You seem not to know who you are messing with, little b✪✪✪✪?" Raising an eyebrow at him, you gave an evil chuckle: "Let me show you exactly who I am."

A cool breeze began to blow through the whole room, shocking Valentino as he was wondering what the hell was going on. Icicles began to arise from the area where you stood, traveling across the room and towards the ceiling. The air turned cold, deadly, even taking in a breath felt like a stab in the throat. Valentino was in utter disbelief at your show of power. Blue ice began to appear on your hands, morphing into frozen claws. The color of your hair turned snow-white, and your once brown eyes, began to glow an ominous cerulean blue. Angel wrapped his arms around himself, trying to cover himself from the coldness, while staring at you in utter shock. An evil smile emerged from your face, almost as demonic as Alastors during his transformations, as you walked slowly, like a predator stalking its prey, towards Valentino. "Figured out who I am yet?" Cocking your head at Valentino, you stared up at him, amused at his reactions. Dread emerged from his eyes, as Valentino realized you were not to mess with, but his tendencies got the better of him and he moved to strike. In a split second, he was pinned against the wall, shards of ice impaling his wing. Attempting to break free was impossible, your shards were too strong. "HAHA its amazing how many people try that and fail!" Your feet carried you over to the pinned moth, enjoying his struggle. "Who the hell are you?!" he screamed out, trying to remove himself from his position. "I am the overlord, Morana! Still surprised you haven't caught that by now, but you are a dumba✪✪, so it was to be expected" A sharp tooth smile was etched onto your face. "As I said before Angel Dust is coming back to the hotel with me. Understand?" Valentino continued to stare at you in fear, before his signature smirk came back. "Fine, take him back! Won't do you any good! He is bound to me by contract. Sooner or later, he will come crawling back to me!"

Angel listened to all of this, still in shock by what was happening. Valentino's words affected him greatly, as tears rained down his cheeks. Your face lacked any emotion as you inched closer to Valentino. A large icicle claw raised towards his lower regions, where his privates were. "!!!!!" Valentino jerked, wondering what the heck was going on. The sharpness of your claws, were digging into his skin, while a trail of ice began to form around the area. "You must really value this part of yourself. It would be extremely traumatizing for you if it were to SNAP OFF!" Digging your claws deeper, a trail of blood began to pool down below you, then freezing the second it connected with the ground. "Imagine the headlines! Di✪✪ face Valentinos package removed violently and cascaded in a block of ice for all to see!" Your demonic laugh filled the room, as Valentino screamed in agony. "STOP! PLEASE I WILL DO ANYTHING!" Begging was his last resort, proving he valued his di✪✪ more than anything. "I will let go, under one condition." Valentino stared at you in fear, mixed with some hope. You leaned closer and whispered into his ear. "Dissolve the contract, along with the copies."

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