♥ Such A Tease Part 2 Finale ♥

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Summary: Angel never thought he could fall so hard for a human. It was only a few months since you have come to hell, and your actions were driving him insane. It was only a matter of time until he won't be able to restrain himself.

❥Tags: Angel dust x Human Reader, human reader, female Reader, angel dust getting flustered, a bit spicy, fluff and spice, teasing.

Notes: Here is part 2 of the chapter Such A Tease. Sorry for the long wait, been busy. Enjoy everyone:)

**A Couple Months Later- Angels POV**

"Damn that Y/N!" Angels was lounging on the hotel couch, eyes gazing at you from across the room. You were just casually tidying up the hotel, bending down to pick up some things, causing your behind to pop out a bit, in front of Angel. His face was slightly flushed and his lips, bitten between his teeth. You were driving him insane with your sultry actions and flirts. He didn't think anyone could rally him up as much as you did, and he wasn't even into girls. The attraction didn't occur right away, it builded up over the time, the longer you remained at the hotel. Your kind and positive attitude drew him in, causing his walls he built up to crumble around you, exposing more of his sensitive and true side. He wasn't use to being treated like a normal person, as he was used to others using him up and throwing him away once they had their fun, but not you, which made him slowly fall for you. The more he stayed next to you, the more and more he was met with your lecherous actions


Angel recalled heading into the kitchen, to grab some grub after a long day at work. As he entered in, he spotted you sitting on one the chairs at the table, with a popsicle in your mouth. You hadn't noticed his presence and continued to lick away at the frozen treat, enjoying the taste. Angel eyes widen at your actions, and he felt something grow down below. He continued to stare away at you, as your lips expanded to place the popsicle in your mouth, letting out a small moan. Turning your head around, you noticed Angel standing in the room, staring at you. "Oh hey, Angel. Want one?" You pointed to the freezer with the popsicle as you continued to look at Angel with a smile. Shaking his head, Angel quickly said "Nah" and sped out of the kitchen.

Another time is when he was dressed to go service a client, and you had spotted him coming down the stairs, giving him a wolf whistle. "Damn, someone looking extra sexy today." Now Angel was used to stuff like that outside of the hotel, but hearing that coming from you, had his face flushed to the point it reached where his ears would supposedly be. He let out a small thanks and hurriedly walked to the hotel exit.

*End of Flashback*

Coming back to the presence, Angel continued to stare at you, as you finished fixing up and started interacting with Niffty, who had sped up next to you, holding up a feather duster. "Lots of nasty cobwebs on the higher levels upstairs. Could you help me?" Angel saw you smile at Niffty, saying "Sure!", as you grabbed one of the feather dusters and began to head upstairs. Angel eyes remained lock on you as you left the area. "The hell is wrong with you? A gruff voice came from behind Angel. Angel turned to see Husk standing behind the couch, beer bottle in one hand. "Ain't nothing wrong Huskie." Angel tried to play it off, but Husk raised an eyebrow at him. "We all know that's a crock of shit. You were staring at Y/N for a good 10 minutes." Unable to come up with a retort, Angel placed his head down, having realized he had been caught. Husk sighed at that, and placed a hand on Angel's back, giving it a pat. "If you need to talk to them about something, just go ahead and do it." Husk smirked a bit then walked away, leaving Angel by himself again. Angel pondered through his thoughts, before a smirk began to arise on his face. He got up from the couch and began to head to where you were.

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