🥳Birthday Boy Part 1🥳

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Warning- This contains some inappropriate subjects, so if you underage, skip this

Summary- It's April 1st, which means its Angels birthday today!! The whole hotel planned a birthday party for him to celebrate. You have a gift for him, but you wanted to give it to him later....in private😏

Tags - Angel Dust, Flirting, Teasing, Fluff, Lingerie, Cosplay, Eventual Smut, Birthday Surprise, Mentions of Sexual Toys

Notes - Here is the sexy spider birthday smut you guys wanted. This will be split into 2 parts. Hope you all enjoy it.

The plan was set! You were going to distract Angel with a nice little shopping trip, while Charlie and the others stayed at the hotel and get everything ready. Charlie made it very clear to keep Angel Dust away until 5 pm, since it was going to take a bit to decorate. Nodding your head, you assured her that you knew what to do and not to worry. Heading over to Angel's room, you knocked on his door yelling "GET UP LOSER. WE GOING SHOPPING!!" There was a loud thump that came from the other side, probably Angel falling off the bed from you yelling. It was quiet for a moment, until his door swung open. He was wearing a pink and white fluffy coat that matched with his black heels, while also sporting pink diamond shades on his face. His face was in a small scowl, as he was a bit upset that you woke him up like that, while also giving you a middle finger with one of his hands: "Jesus toots! Ya couldn't have just woken me up normally? Nearly gave me a dang heart attack." Laughing, you uttered an apology, while grabbing his hand, tugging him out of his room. He allowed you to drag him along, sporting a smile on his face as the both of you went down the hallway, heading to the main entrance of the hotel.

As the both of you exited, you turned your head to see Charlie and Vaggie giving you a thumbs up, as you turned back and walked out the door. Heading into the city was a tad bit difficult, especially since walking next to Angel, a famous porn star, there was bound to be a few stares and wolf whistles here and there. Angel was paying them no mind, as he wanted to enjoy this little outing with you and not deal with the bullsh✪✪ and also get his mind away from work for once. The mall in hell was similar to ones on Earth, just a bit more run down and lacking the usual charm. Still it had stores and a food court, so it was better then nothing. Angel ran at high speed to the clothes stores, dragging you along by the arm. The both of you just explored around, trying on multiple outfits that suited the both of you best, along with taking selfies of each other. Angel looked good in practically anything that he tried on. He could come out of the dressing room in a plain shirt and jeans, and he have you gagging in awe.

The next store the both of you went to seemed more up Angel's alley. "Devils Secret" was what the large neon sign said. Upon entering in, you quickly realized it was a lingerie store. "Aww yeah! This is where its at!" Angel said, as he threw his four arms up into the air in excitement. You, however, were feeling a bit flustered, as stores like this always made you a bit red in the face. Angel had already disappeared from your view, most likely grabbing all the most seductive ones he could find. Not really interested at the pieces, you just walked around, observing everything.

One area of the store was hidden behind a large black curtain. Curious, you walked past and immediately flushed at what you saw. Behind the curtain was an assortment of intimate cosplays, along with various sexual toys like vibrators, hand cuffs and butt plugs. "No wonder this place was hidden by a curtain" you thought. Wouldn't hurt to look around. There was a wide selection of cosplay outfits hanging, ranging from police officer to sexy nurse. You knew if Angel saw this, he would buy everything in here. Skimming through everything, your eyes caught the look of something interesting. It wasn't anything extreme, but it was very detailed and seductive. Your thoughts immediately thought of Angel and his birthday, causing a smirk to appear on your face: "Perfect."

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