Chapter 4

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"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" I mumbled as I pulled to the side of the road. Loki and I get out and walk over to the person I technically hit. What surprised me was that they had red skin. And a yellow stone on their forehead. Plus the cape.

"That is similar to how I arrived. Except I landed in the forest and snow." Loki commented. I tried to lift the person up, but I didn't have the strength to do so.

"Loki, help?" I asked.

Once we got the person over to the car, they woke up. And that was when I realized something.

"Where am I? And who are you two?" The familiar voice of Vision asked. Loki glanced towards me and I sighed.

"Hey Vision, what do you remember exactly before you woke up? Loki and I can help out as best as we can." I stated.

Vision seemed confused before staring at Loki. And it was a hesitant, apprehensive look. "Loki? As in the one that attacked New York and threw Mr. Stark out the window?" He asked.

"Are you an Avenger? I don't recall you being there." Loki states, narrowing his eyes at Vision. "That's because he was created after the New York attack. He has the Mind Stone from your scepter. Not to mention, Vision was technically there as Tony's A.I. JARVIS." I explained.

"How are you aware of my origins?" Vision asked. "How about I explain more in the car? I still have shopping to do and the longer we linger, the more likely I won't be home until very late." I suggest, opening the door to the back seats. Loki helps Vision into the car and hops back into his seat.

Returning to the road, I explained to both just as another figure landed off to the side. Loki chuckled at my exasperated groan and he willingly went to bring the person over. Followed by one more just after he returned to the car. The final person seemed to be conscious to drag themselves over. And I just sighed and rested my head on the steering wheel.

It was Natasha and Tony who fell after Vision. I get out once more to open the door so Nat would be ready for the drive. But when Tony finally made it to the car, his suit was practically destroyed from the Stones.

"I'll deal with Tony, you get in the car." I whispered to Loki. I didn't want a fight to break out when all of them were weak from dying. And I could tell Tony was both confused and relieved that there was someone that could help him.

"Where the hell am I? And who's in the car?" Tony asked between breaths.

"This may sound crazy Tony, but Vision and Natasha are in the car. Just like you, they appeared from nowhere. And I just so happened to have been driving by to help you three. You can take the suit off and stick it in the trunk. Then hop into the back." I state. "Why should I listen to you? Romanoff and Vision are dead. I should be dead."

I gently pat his shoulder with a reassuring smile. "I'm sure we can talk more in the car. Now either you get in or I'll leave you here so I can get to the store and back home before dark. I have work and would like to have eight hours of sleep before working for eight hours. Choice is yours, Stark."

I circled back 'round to the driver's seat and watched as Tony opened the trunk and shoved his suit in before sliding in next to Nat.

Once the city was in view, they seemed to all start asking questions.

"Who the hell are you and why are you being so helpful?" Tony asked. "Is it wrong to help people get to the city and have a chance to live? I'm just helping because y'all just died while fighting Thanos in your universe." I point out.

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