Chapter 5

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Alyssa fell asleep instantly. I wasn't surprised given the exhaustion from the day's events. To have me appear and then the Avengers, must've been very taxing. And having to argue on my behalf. It was difficult to believe she would defend me just like my mother.

I return to the basement and decide to clean it as my way of thanking her. Cobwebs and mouse droppings littered throughout the rooms down here. With my magic, it was clean in a matter of minutes. I was quite proud and brought my attention to removing stains as well as patching up the wall insulation.

By morning, I teleported to Alyssa's room to find her sitting in a chair, scrolling on her phone. I had the phone she had bought me in hand, hoping she could show me how to use it properly. She heard me and yelped quietly.

"What did I say about teleporting in front of me?! I'm trying to not alert my roommate that I'm housing a literal god from a fictional universe." She hissed. I chuckled at her reaction.

"As much as I would love to see you in this state, I do require your assistance with the device." I mentioned, holding up the phone.

Alyssa sighed but took it and did something before it looked similar to how her own appeared. Minus the custom backgrounds she had of myself. She hands it back and shows me how to access certain applications. Finally, she added one called Disney+. I tilted my head in confusion.

"If you are interested in watching movies or shows, just go into this app and select the profile that says 'Friends' on it. It should have Thor as the profile image, so it's pretty easy." She stated. "And why is Thor representing it?" I asked.

"Because I already claimed the one of you when I made the account. And if I ever let my family watch on my account, the family profile has Barton as the profile image." She explained.

"This is how I am to spend my time? Watching films and reading while you are at work?" I asked.

Alyssa frowned in that moment. "This is a lot more freedom than when you were in the dungeons on Asgard. If you want to walk around outside, don't let anyone see you. We'll get you a job eventually and then you'll be self-sustaining. And Loki, please don't cause any problems while I'm gone." She pleaded.

I was at a loss for words. She isn't treating me like a prisoner, but a worried friend. The thought of her seeing me in this light felt odd. Only my mother and Thor have shown me similar feelings.

"Thank you. I will see you when you return from work." I stated, teleporting back downstairs.

I decided to watch the movies to see if they really showed my life. A whole section that showed what I was in and in the order it should be watched.

Surprisingly, most of them showed key moments of each event. While I knew there was more that occurred compared to these films, these were also a reminder of how I spent my life.

Thor became a better version of himself due to my jealousy towards him. The Avengers came together because I attacked Midgard. Asgard fell because I sent Odin away to claim the throne. I die trying to protect my brother from Thanos. It's all evident that I was never meant to be more.

It felt addicting to continue watching the movies. To see from other perspectives of the events that occurred. And learning that the Avengers had much more since New York. That's when a thought came to mind.

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