Chapter 6

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Morning came around eventually and I was still with Loki in the basement. I knew that I was emotionally drained from yesterday. I was just grateful that Loki didn't mind my behavior. And wasn't fully expecting him to let me sleep with him for the rest of the night.

He was still asleep when I woke up. It's not like I haven't read a fanfic that described how he looked. Peaceful was the best for me. And there were only a select few I would act like that to. My dad is one of them. My instructor from Job Corps is another. And then some of my friends. The best way to describe how I acted last night was more loving than clingy. A quiet way to have an excuse to be near someone I trust.

And I trusted Loki enough to add him to that circle. He could've sent me away, but he invited me to his side. He seemed to enjoy the movies so far, which made me glad. Especially since there was so much more he could've been doing to occupy his time.

I just laid there next to him, thinking about what we could possibly do for the weekend that'd be fun. There wasn't much in the area during the winter that interested me. And I didn't really have any ideas besides playing Minecraft with him. But that also meant teaching him the basics and then asking if he wanted to do vanilla or modded Minecraft. I preferred modded just because there was more to do than in vanilla. And because I get lost easily and like the waypoints.

"Morning darling." Loki said as he sat up. I grinned as I turned to face him. "Morning Lo."

"Would you like to deliver Stark's suit today? And perhaps check on them to see how they are faring?" He asked. I just shrugged. "I guess we could. I was just trying to think of some fun things to do today. I could teach you how to play some video games afterwards, if you'd like. Maybe even set you up on my other laptop and make accounts for you to play from. And tomorrow we could figure out how to get you a job so you can earn money for yourself."

"Would it be difficult to get an occupation here?" He asked. "Kinda. It's really the fact that you don't have the necessary documents to prove who you are and where you live. And I don't have the skills to forge those kinds of things. If we wanted it done for free, Nat and Tony could help us if we asked. They probably have been trying to do that from the phone I got them. But there's only so much that can be done on a phone that a laptop would be better at."
Loki nods in understanding. "Would they be willing to assist us? Despite my history with them?"

"I would hope so. They kind of owe me since I did pay for their room and basic supplies. I was nice enough to help all of you without expecting much in return. But I can make good on that and they will help us." I point out. Loki chuckled at my words.

"I never took you as a manipulative person darling. Taking advantage of the Avengers because they are indebted to you? That's more of my area of expertise."

"It's not manipulative if I choose that's how they pay me back. It'll help you get established here and I could let them use my laptop briefly to set themselves up as well. I also don't like being thought of like that..." I trailed off in a nervous tone.

I glance away embarrassed. It was something that bothered me about myself. Loki seemed to realize and pulled me close to him.

"I'm sorry. I was only joking." He stated. "It's fine Lo. You wouldn't have known any better. It's just something I developed from a few years ago. Most of my insecurities are from the same time period, now that I think of it." I mumbled.

"May I know why? Or would you prefer we save that for another time?" He asked. "Probably best we head out now with a quick breakfast. It's a long drive and still pretty early in the morning. We can get lunch down there and grab take-out on our way back." I answered.

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