Chapter 3

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Even though I left the building, I realized I never got her name. She knew who I was, knew what happened over there, and freely offered to take me in.

Mortals were certainly intriguing creatures. Especially when she became flustered at my question if she would kneel to me if I said so.

It was strange to know that the Avengers don't exist here. It was another matter entirely that there were fans who would do anything if they knew I was here. And that in itself, was difficult to process. This version of Midgard will prove a challenge to understand with no assistance.

I was just glad that she offered hospitality, despite her situation. I wasn't going to pry her mind when she eagerly answered my main inquiries. Knowing that these fans of mine could be easily flustered by certain advances, would give me a form of entertainment.

Using the maps acquired, I walk along the trails, despite the snow. It was very much an annoyance trudging through until I decided it was a waste of time and head back.

I teleported into the hidden corner of the building and sighed. To think that there was little to do until she finished. Glancing at the watch she gave me, it read 11:30. This was going to take forever.

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I wake from my rest to my wrist vibrating suddenly. Realizing it was the watch, I saw it said 4:30 on it. Making myself look presentable and not straight from resting, I teleported outside just as she was leaving the building.

Upon seeing me, she jumps in surprise, cursing in the process. "Fuck- Don't just appear in front of me Loki! I'm a very jumpy person and I could've hit you." She yelped.

"Even if you were to hit me, I wouldn't be affected. Your meager punches couldn't hurt me if you tried." I chuckled. "And yet, the only thing that can scare you and has beaten you is the Hulk." She points out.

"Hulk was an unexpected adversary in my attack on Midgard. Had I used him against the Avengers, my victory would've been given." I scoffed. She just chuckles as she walks away towards her vehicle. I jog to catch up.

"If I may ask, what is your name? I believe that detail was left out during our conversation this morning." I interject.

"Alyssa." She said simply.

I nod as she motioned for me to get in the vehicle. "We'll head to the store and hopefully you'll be fine while I'm at work tomorrow. When I get you a phone, I'll log you into my Disney+ and you can watch movies and shows while you wait. And when I get back, I could pull out my laptops and show you how to play Minecraft. I have a second account you can use while we play. And you'll have your own eventually." Alyssa explained.

I was confused. She was willing to provide me entertainment while I resided in her home? "And if you aren't in the mood for watching stuff or playing games, we can get you some books while we're in the city. I know you like to read and you'd probably enjoy some of the stories that exist. Most fanfics say you prefer reading poems, playwrights, and other classic old-timey stuff. Just pick out five books and I'll buy them. And next time we come out here, you can pick some more. But you could always read books online and save space."

"Why would you take away the sensation of holding a book and turning the page for whatever online book you are referring to? It's absurd that you mortals believe it necessary to compact literature into your devices just for convenience." I sighed while gazing out the window as she drove.

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