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୨⎯ Chapter 3⎯୧
"The Fellowship"

୨⎯ Chapter 3⎯୧"The Fellowship"

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THE JOURNEY TO RIVENDELL was long and tiring. Caspian, our protective guard, accompanied myself, Aine, Aragorn, and the three hobbits. Leading us through the winding paths that led to the haven of Rivendell.

Finally, it revealed itself like a sanctuary nestled in the embrace of nature, with waterfalls cascading and elven architecture carved into the rock welcoming us.

As we entered the haven, Elrond, regal and wise, stood to greet our party. His gaze, a mix of ancient knowledge and warm hospitality, met mine. The air was thick with the weight of the council's decisions yet to come. "Welcome to Rivendell, we've been awaiting your presences", he stood tall with authority.

I swung my leg over my horse, Aine and Caspian doing the same as numerous Elves approached us and led our horses to their stables. "Thank you Lord Elrond, we kindness is appreciated" I said kindly. He bowed his head to me in a personal greeting "Princess Liairse, your mother mentioned you would be coming in her place, but it was not mentioned why?" he questioned. "I do not know Lord Elrond, I am just as confused as you. No matter though, we are happy to be here" I stated with a shrug, placing my hands in front of me.

He gave me one last look before turning to the others in our company, "hobbits, your friend is in recovery, you were lucky Arwen made it to us in time". Their faces lit up with happiness at the mention of their friend, I could tell they were eager to see them. Lord Elrond must have thought the same, "you may see him, I believe our wise Gandalf the Grey is with him as we speak". The three quickly hurried off, leaving Aragorn behind as another elf guided them to where their friend stayed.

Finally, he turned his attention back to us who were left, "the rest of you shall be accompanied to your rooms, but I would like to speak with you Princess before you leave, your grace."

Caspian and Aine looked at me while Aragorn walked away, seemingly happy to be able to rest after our long journey. "Go, rest. You both need it, I will see you both later" I said. They seemed reluctant to leave my side but agreed, allowing two more Elves to lead them to their rooms.

I turned my attention back to Lord Elrond, stretching my arms out in front of me, letting out a yawn of exhaustion. Lord Elrond slightly laughed, "I promise not to keep you long, I have someone you may like to meet before our council meeting tomorrow morning."

I stilled at his words, I knew who he was talking about and I hated it. For a second I had forgotten that Legolas would be at the meeting, and that I would have to face him.

Elrond could see the hesitation on my face, giving me kind eyes as he held his arm our for me to take, "don't worry, he is as nerous as you." I let out a laugh, "sure he is" I stated in disbelief.

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