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He pulled you closer cuddling you closely to his chest. You enjoyed the warmth he gave you and so did he.

"That..Was quite de experience.." You said and chuckled slightly. He looked down at you and smiled.

"It was huh? But, you did so good.."He whispered in a low voice. You smiled and snuggled up to him. He held you close wrapping his arms around you're body. You took a deep breath ad looked up at him.

"Hey.." You said in a soft tone. He looked down at you with a smile.

"Whats up?" He asked you. You hesitated a bit before speaking up.

"Well.. We have been friends since like kindergarten, but im wondering..Wel not wondeirng but thinking..We literally just ended up like this.." You said with a soft chuckle. He smiled and laughed a bit.

"Well i guess we were just ment to be you know?" He said and smiled lightly. You chuckled and sighed resting you're head on his chest.

"Yeah.. I guess we are. Hey, i did have fun." You said in a soft tone. He looked down at you and smiled.

"I also did. I mean it was you're first time aswell.. You did really good." You smile and nodded.

"Hey, lets go take a shower?" He asked with a smile. You nodded and response and slowly got up. He got up right after you and you both began walking towards the bathroom.

(Skipping this part.)

When they got out of the shower.

As you both stepped out of the shower you both grabbed a towel. Yoongi wrapped it around his waist you around you're whole body. You sighed deeply and rubbed your eyes.

"Gosh, i really needed that shower.." You said and chuckled a bit. Yoongi smiled and looked down at you.

"Completly understandable." He said and than thought..

"Hey? Do you mind if i stay for the night?" He asked, you looked up at him and nodded.

"Sure.. Just lets try and get you home by tommorow night, my parents will be home by than." You said. Yoongi smiled and nodded in agreement.

"No worries!" He grinned widely. "Now.. Its uh.." he said and look at the time. "11pm? Damn.. Thats quick.." He chuckled, you looked up at him and smiled.

"Yeah huh? I'm really tired though..Can we go sleep?" You asked with a sleepy frown. Yoongi laughed and bended down grabbing you under your legs and arms and picked you up in bridal style.

"Yeah, ofcourse Princess." He said with a grin and began walking you over to you're room..

As you both arrived in you're bedroom Yoongi walked you to the bed and laid you down and even tucked you in before getting in besides you. You rolled to your side and smiled looking at him.

Yoongi looked at you and chuckled and extended his arm inviting you over. You smiled and happily snuggled against him. He smiled and burried his face into you're hair and breathed in heavily and sighed. He wrapped his arm tighter around you and relaxed after.

"Goodnight, Princess.." He said with a big yawn. You smiled and closed you're eyes before whispering.

"Goodnight, Kitty.." You yawned deeply and began to fall asleep...

Hey guys! I hope you all liked this part, sorry for the long wait! I'm Working on making the New Chapter! Words 536

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