Chapter Eleven

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"Did you get it?", Bucky asked the girls once they met up at the meeting spot.

"Yep", Wanda said with a smile and waving the drive about. "And somebody got herself a date."

Y/N rolled her eyes, "its not a date"

"Well it sure sounded like it", Bucky huffed.

"I was merely playing a part", Y/N defended herself.

"Sure you was", Pietro teased, nudging her arm.

"It could be used as an advantage though", Wanda suggested.

Y/N crossed her arms, "and what do you mean by that?"

"Make him think you're also into him, maybe you can get some inside scoop."

"Perhaps, but we're supposed to be potential buyers of vibrainium, how am I supposed to get inside scoop if we haven't bought it?", Y/N replied.

"Fury gave us 5 Million Dollars to buy vibrainium.", Bucky casually mentions.

Wanda, Pietro and Y/N turned to Bucky.

"And why would he do that?", Y/N asked.

"The Wakandans gave us it, they want their materials back.", he shrugged.

"Why would they buy back their own stolen materials, if anything they should be fighting for it.", Y/N replied.

"Well, they're allowing us with this money, if we can successfully get this stock back then they won't mind.", Bucky replied.

"That doesn't make any sense.", Y/N screwed her eyebrows together.

"They're gonna get the money back either way once we take down this group", Pietro added

"Oh, could have said that, James", Y/N rolled her eyes.

Bucky just groaned.

"Come on, let's get back to the tower before they start fighting", Wanda joked and got in the car.


"How'd the mission go?", Steve asked Bucky as he walked into his room.

Bucky sighed, "Well..."

"Can't have been that bad", Steve said while leaning on Bucky's desk.

"Y/N is seeing the actual leader tomorrow, while actually purchasing the Vibrainium."

"And you're not going?", Steve asked.

"I don't think I'm the sort of person he wants as company.", Bucky joked.

"What do you mean?", Steve raised an eyebrow.

"It appears our crime boss, Victor. Has a thing for Y/N"

Steve chuckled, "Well, that's something."

"Hopefully she can find intel if she gets close to him.", Bucky replied.

"Wait a minute", Steve stood up properly. "You want Y/N to seduce him?"

Bucky scoffed, "What? No."

"Well I'm sorry but that's what it sounds like.", Steve replied.

"She seems fine with it.", Bucky protested.

"Just don't let her doing anything extreme", Steve added.

"I won't let her sleep with the crime boss", Bucky rolled his eyes.

Steve scoffed, "not what I meant... but also yes. Nothing good comes from sleeping with the enemy."

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