Chapter Sixteen

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It had been eerily quiet. Y/N and Bucky had been sat in silence, waiting for Furys team to show up.

The silence broke when Buckys phone buzzed.

"They're here.", He spoke.

She nodded and they both stood up.

"Agent Grant and Agent Barnes where is your location", Fury spoke through the comms.

"Underground, sir". Bucky responded, switching on the light again.

And with that, a large group of movers flooded the basement, taking every crate of Vibrainium in there.

"There's atleast gotta be 500 million dollars worth here, maybe more.", Fury said to the pair.

"Wakanda will be happy to get it back", Bucky replied.

"Agreed. Agent Grant, you okay? You look a little pale", Fury asked.

Y/N just looked straight down.

"Barnes?", Fury raised an eyebrow.

"Victor knows who she is, he's been using her", Bucky replied.

"Does he know she apart of this mission?", he asked.

"Don't think so, he thinks she's an Avenger whose gone rouge and buying Vibrainium, he might try to recruit her help.", Bucky suggested.

Fury hummed in thought, "We could use this as an advantage"

"No.", Y/N said causing them to turn to her.

"No?", Fury questioned.

"I've been used as a Pawn in this game far too long and I'm done", she replied, pushing past them and up the stairs back into the open air.

"Don't worry I'll talk to her", Bucky replied.


"LA, New Jersey and Philadelphia have all been wiped clean of Vibrainium. Just New York and one unknown location to go.", Fury announced to the team.

"What's the next step?", Natasha asked.

"Well we've hit a snag in the original plan, Barnes care to explain?",

Bucky coughed and stood up. "Uh okay. Y/N has been known to Victor since day one and we don't mean 'Penelope', he's been using Y/N since the beginning. He believes she's corrupted and bought the vibrainium for her own use and is working against the Avengers. He's most likely going to try and recruit her and use her for his schemes."

"Poor Y/N", Natasha replied.

"Poor Y/N? This is great we could use this.", Tony suggested.

"We can't seriously be dragging this out, Y/N has suffered enough.", Natasha defended.

"It won't be for much longer", Fury added.

"It's up to Y/N. If she feels uncomfortable, then we won't do it. At the end of the day, she has a choice to make, and it's her decision,  no one is forcing her."Natasha finalised the plan.

"Well, you can take it up with her then", Fury demanded.

"That's fine with me, atleast I won't be harsh on her.", Natasha replied while standing up and walking out.

"They're as bad as eachother.", Tony joked.


"Hey", Natasha knocked on Y/Ns slightly open door.

"Hey", she replied.

"You okay?", Natasha asked.

"Eh", Y/N replied, shrugging her shoulders.

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