Chapter Twenty Eight

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The Avengers Tower was quiet and still.

It was 6 AM.

Y/N opened her eyes slightly, she could see the sun was rising through a gap in the blinds.

"Morning", a groggy voice said next to her.

She turned her head to her right, and smiled.

"Morning", she replied.

They both fell asleep during the marathon, seeing Bucky half asleep with messy hair was something she hadn't seen yet, he was always ready and dressed by the time he made his way to the kitchen.

I suppose appearing that way to the Avengers would be letting his broody guy persona down.

"What?", he asked.

"Nothing, just usually I see you all tidy. But you got bed head and you look cosy"

He chuckled slightly, "I am very cosy",

He turned on his side to face her.

"Buck..", she said quietly.

"Yeah?", he replied softly.

She took a deep breathe, "You said yesterday you wanted to be honest with me about something, but Loki interrupted. What was it?"

He stared at her for a moment, their eyes meeting. He felt comfortable with her, more so than Steve.

He reached over and caressed her cheek.

"I had to be honest with myself first, and it took some time", he started.

She watched his eyes, trying to figure him out.

"And now, I know its okay. To accept how I'm feeling", he finished.

"About what?", she asked.


She took a deep breathe, feeling butterflies in her stomach. Usually its nausea, but this time it wasn't.

He gently pulled her face closer to his, their lips meeting in the middle, deepening the kiss slightly.

After a moment, they parted for a second and smiled.

"That was...", Y/N said slightly breathy.

"...about damn time", Bucky finished.

"Yeah", Y/N replied with a big smile.

Bucky leaned in again, continuing the kiss.

It became quicker, and more passionate as they continued.

Bucky slowly moved his hand down from her cheek, to her hip. Pulling her in closer.

She wrapped her leg around his waist, pushing him slightly so he was on his back, causing her to straddle him.

Bucky ran his hands along her legs and up her body, caressing her rib cage and stopping just underneath her bra.

The kiss was paused, and Y/N began lifting his shirt up, he sat up and helped take it off, throwing it somewhere in the room.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?", he whispered.

"Yes.", she replied.

"Even being on bed rest?"

"Technically, I'm still in bed", she joked.

He chuckled, "Fair enough".

Y/N took her shirt off and threw it behind her.

"I'll let you do the honours", she teased.

Buckys eyes filled with lust, he grinned.

Slowly, his hand made its way to her back, teasing her with how slow he's being.

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