Chapter Twenty One

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Victors apartment building was tall, bigger than the Avengers tower.

She stepped inside and was greeted by Victor himself, with a warm smile.

"Hello Beautiful", He opened his arms for a hug.

She wrapped her arms around him and gave him a hug.

"Let's go up shall we.", He led her to the elevator.

His apartment was at the very top, the penthouse. 


"Here let me take that.", He removed her jacket as they walked into the apartment, hanging it up on the coat rack. 

"Holy crap this apartment it huge.", Y/N gasped.

He chuckled. "Like it?" 

"It's very nice.", She replied.

"I worked hard for it, as you can imagine, didn't always get to live in luxury."

"No? With a place like this, I presumed your parents gave you this.", She replied.

"My parents are odd folk, they have their money but don't tend to like sharing it with their children, however they do make them work hard, making us the best we can be, which is something." 

"I suppose it is.", she agreed.

"Please, sit. I'll grab us a drink. Any preferences? I have it all.", he questioned.

"Uh, just a water would be fine thanks.", Y/N replied.

"One water coming right up m'lady.", He gave her a warm smile, then heading to the kitchen.

She had to admit, he was very charming and kind. But knowing the truth about him, sat in the back of her mind, making her feel a little uneasy.

She sighed and sat on his enormous couch.

The Avengers tower was decorated by Stark himself, but even so, this apartment made him look cheap.

"One water for the very pretty lady, and a whiskey for the tall handsome man whose has a very long day", Victor entered the room and placed the drinks on the coffee table.

"I'm sorry.", Y/N said.

"Whatever for?", he questioned while sitting down next to her.

"I forgot you've been gone, and I made you see me." 

"Nonsense. I'm glad you messaged me. All I've done is think about you.", He rubbed her arm, he seemed sincerer, which seemed to confuse Y/N, usually she can spot a lie from a mile away.

She sighed.

"What's the matter?", He questioned.

She decided to rip off the band aid and grab her bag, pulling the pregnancy test out and handing it to him.

He screwed his eyebrows together to see what she handed him. 

"Is this a-?"


"And its -?"




He stood up in shock. 

"Fuck." He muttered under his breathe. "This wasn't how it was supposed to go." 

Y/N screwed her eyebrows together. "What?" 

Victor started pacing. 


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