Chapter Twenty Seven

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The Kitchen was left with just Bucky and Y/N alone. Sat opposite one another.

They both looked around the room, trying not to make eye contact.

Y/N stood up, and broke the silence, "I'm not waiting any longer for whatever Sam was cooking, I need to eat."

She walked up to the stove and continued what Sam was doing.

Bucky watched her every move, he was so mesmerised by her, even with her messy hair, and odd pyjamas, and lack of sleep, he was in awe of her. It took him a long time to accept how he felt towards Y/N, he didn't believe he was allowed to be happy, but Y/N made him feel something he hadn't felt in a long time.

She sensed him watching her, "You might wanna take a picture, it'll last longer", she laughed.

Bucky smiled and shook his head, getting up from his seat and walking towards her.

"I'm sorry"

She turned to him and smiled, "it's fine"

"It's not, I shouldn't have outed you like that, it was personal and I overstepped a boundary asking all those questions.", he replied.

Y/N shrugged, "I wouldn't say that"

Bucky went to open his mouth.

"And don't say it is", she stopped him. "You were concerned and you had every right to be. We're partners, we need to be honest with eachother"

Bucky raised an eyebrow and smiled, "Partners ey?"

She rolled her eyes and laughed, "Yes, I'll admit. We are."

He laughed, "I think we need to start being more honest with eachother"

Y/N nodded, "Yeah"

Bucky took a deep breathe, "Well I have something to confess"

"Yeah?", she looked at him.

"I don't mean to interupt", a voice came from the door.

They both turned to see Loki.

Bucky rolled his eyes.

"Stark sent me in here wondering when food was ready?", Loki stated.

"It'll be done soon", Y/N replied.

"Oh and Matteo was looking for you Y/N", he added.

"Okay, I'll be there in a sec", she replied.

Loki left the room.

"What was it you wanted to tell me?", she returned back to Bucky.

"Oh uh, doesn't matter. I'll finish up here, you head to Matteo"

"You sure?", she questioned.

"Yeah", he gave her a reassuring smile.

"Thanks James", She teased.

"No problem, Doll"

She laughed slightly, "Doll?"

Bucky became slightly flustered, "Sorry, didn't mean to-"

"No", she stopped him, "It's okay, it's nice."


"Hey, Matteo", Y/N said as she entered the room he's been staying.

He was laid on his bed reading a book.

"Hello beautiful", He replied with a smile, sitting up.

It was his natural greeting for her.

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